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Articles, publications, podcasts and videos produced by the FMSH

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Welcome, sharing and exchanges at Maison Suger
Interview with Gwenaëlle Léonus-Lieppe, Director of Maison Suger

The ‘Bibliothèque allemande’: 40 years of exchanges between French and German-speaking researchers
A key collection for Franco-German exchanges in the humanities and social sciences

The FMSH and the Gulbenkian Foundation: a partnership at the very heart of contemporary issues
Ten years of collaboration in favor of the arts and cultural dialogue

Cosmopolitics in the Hindu Kush Himalaya region
Zahra Hussain explores the dynamics of belonging in a region with a rich heritage

Researching Freedom and Sovereignty in South Asia
A word from Sarbani Sharma: an ethnographic study of everyday life situated within the contemporary right to self-determination movement in Kashmir

Thirty years after the genocide against the Tutsi: The fragility of archives and accounts
Violaine Baraduc presents her project, winner of the Atlas 2023 program

Publications of the Éditions de la MSH
Discover the January-June 2025 catalogue

Venom and vessel: Intersections of arts and sciences
Discover the project “Slithering cures. Snakes and venoms in South India”

A post-Anthropocene discussion in the making, to rethink the city
"Confluencing urban thought to rethink the city", 2023 winning project of the call "Franco nordic programme"

The making of shelter and the spaces and times of intimacy in situations of inadequate or poor housing
Winner of the 2023 Arts & HSS programme, this project examines the notion of rest in precarious times and spaces

FMSH, Journal n°2
Discover the diversity of programs and initiatives supported by the FMSH all over the world

Futurs de l'écriture
Presentation of the book in pictures

La modernité tardive en crise
Collection "Bibliothèque allemande" of the Éditions de la MSH

Jardins en commun(s)
Collection "54" of the Éditions de la MSH

Collection "Interventions" of the Éditions de la MSH

Heritage Cosmopolitics in the Hindu Kush Himalaya region by Zahra Hussain
Histoires de mobilité #11
Vegetation and urban living in cities in the ‘Global South’
Discover the “Plants in southern cities” network
The ‘lure of the seaside’ under ecological pressure
Discover the BEACHACCESS network
Conversation with Elhadj Ould Brahim
2023 laureate of the Atlas mobility programme

L'inégalité est un choix
Collection "54" of the Éditions de la MSH

Dieux maudits. L'histoire du blasphème
Collection "Bibliothèque allemande" from Éditions de la MSH

Publications of the Éditions de la MSH
Discover the September-December 2024 catalogue

Interagir en situation de jeu : catégorisations et positionnement
Revue "Langage & Société" n° 182 – 2024/2

Futurs de l'écriture
Journal issue "Polygraphe(s), approche métissée des actes graphiques", n° 6/2024