La modernité tardive en crise

Collection "Bibliothèque allemande" of the Éditions de la MSH
La modernité tardive en crise
"La modernité tardive en crise. Que peut accomplir la théorie sociale ?"

Together, the two authors offer a critical and comprehensive perspective on the mechanisms underlying the crisis of late modernity. They argue for the use of social theory to redefine cultural and social goals in order to build a more sustainable and balanced society. The book underlines the importance of theoretical reflection in formulating appropriate responses to contemporary challenges, and in guiding the necessary changes towards a more stable and fulfilling society.


More information about the book (FR)

About the authors

Andreas Reckwitz is a professor of Sociology at Berlin's Humboldt University. He is particularly known for his theory of the singularisation of society. He was awarded the German Research Foundation's Leibniz Prize in 2019.

Hartmut Rosa is a professor of sociology at Friedrich-Schiller University in Jena and director of the Max Weber Institute at the University of Erfurt. His theory of social acceleration, which analyses the impact of speed and acceleration on modern society, is widely discussed and commented on today widely discussed and commented on.


La modernité tardive en crise

La modernité tardive en crise

Collection "Bibliothèque allemande" of the Éditions de la MSH
Published at 25 September 2024