Why support us?

Façade de la FMSH

For sixty years, the FMSH has been advancing knowledge through the humanities and social sciences. Recognized as a public utility, the foundation supports the freedom of research, fosters scientific innovation, and champions access to knowledge for all.

Guided by the conviction that the pluralism of knowledge and its free circulation contribute to progress towards inclusive and sustainable societies, the FMSH develops programmes and services open to all scientific communities operating in the humanities and social sciences.

A unique mission to accelerate research in the humanities and social sciences

Remaining true to its original mission, the foundation is committed to:

  • Defending freedom of research
  • Connecting scientific communities
  • Improving global dialogue
  • Supporting nextgen humanities and social sciences scholars
  • Bringing science and society closer

With a mission deeply rooted in the promotion of dialogue across disciplinary, cultural, and national boundaries, the FMSH champions research that contributes to our understanding of past, present, and future worlds, and helps us meet the common challenges facing humanity.

Thinking and acting in a changing world

The humanities and social sciences, in all their great diversity, give us the keys to understanding our world, by analysing the ideologies, organizations, conflicts, rhythms, languages, imaginaries, and practices of human beings in society.

Alongside the other sciences, the humanities and social sciences play a crucial role in thinking and acting in the face of the ever-increasing number of complex crises that are currently sweeping our world.

By joining the foundation, you are supporting projects that will allow us to better understand our societies, fuel public debate, and develop forward-looking solutions to meet the major social and environmental challenges of our time.

At the Fondation Maison des Sciences de l'Homme, we believe in the value of knowledge, we defend the pluralism of scientific work, we strive to disseminate scientific innovation, and we preserve the freedom of scientists themselves.

Antonin Cohen, president of the FMSH
Antonin Cohen, président de la FMSH
Our levers for action
Programme de mobilité Atlas


free and international research to drive societal innovation
Entrée de la Maison Suger


foreign researchers
Découvrez les ouvrages à paraître aux Éditions de la MSH


a rigorous and accessible Knowledge

Disseminating and distributing

Books and Journals in the Humanities and Social Sciences
Constellation audiovisuelle


scientific audiovisual production
Photo du colloque Wallerstein


the Public with original scientific Events
Our Impact in Numbers!
400 Scientists Supported or Hosted in Residence
30 Edited Publications
30 000 Books and Journal Issues Marketed
50 000 Free and Open-Access Videos and Podcasts
Bandeau de couleur ocre
Why Support Us?
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