

Accumulations and accelerations: Computer totalitarianism

Seminar Accumulations and accelerations 2024
Séminaire P. Assoun 2023-2024 Maison Suger

Thinking the future: history and unconscious

2023-2024 programme
Closed project
L'abolitionnisme pénal. Geoffroy de Lagasnerie - Maison Suger

Penal abolitionism

2023-2024 programme

GRETS Seminar

Year 2017-2018

GRETS Seminar

Year 2017-2018

Inequalities of "power of action" and justice of the ecological transition

Evaluate the notion of power of action

Alternatives and Remedies

Seminar: Accumulation and Acceleration, 2020

GRETS Seminar

Year 2017-2018

PoCFIN Seminar

Chair Ethics and finance Seminar
Closed project

ETHICA - Unfettered research

- Closed project -

Rethinking social justice

Rethinking social justice in a globalizing world
Closed project

Welfare Economics and Social Justice

Franco-Swedish Program in Philosophy and Economics

Criticism Today and Society (CActuS)