Closed project

Penal abolitionism

2023-2024 programme
L'abolitionnisme pénal. Geoffroy de Lagasnerie - Maison Suger
L'abolitionnisme pénal. Geoffroy de Lagasnerie - Maison Suger
"Penal abolitionism. Questions of contemporary theory and policy", a cycle of public lectures by Geoffroy de Lagasnerie

From the 1970s onwards, a whole range of authors set themselves the task of questioning systems of repression and punishment, the notion of crime and the logics at work in the penal state. This tradition sought to elaborate a project of political critique of society, and designated its objectives in words such as "decriminalization", "civilization of conflict", "abolition of prison and police", limitations on the suffering inflicted through punishment, even questioning the necessity of punishment, and so on. In those days, the critique of punishment was an essential part of any critique of society. However, the mood has changed. It is now the denunciation of "impunity" that occupies a central place in a whole range of movements that nevertheless claim to be progressive (impunity of police crimes, impunity of climate criminals, impunity of tax evaders, impunity of sexual aggressors, impunity of politicians...).

What would it mean to reactivate a radical questioning of penal rationality? How can we think differently than we usually do about illegalisms and the response to them, crime and punishment, trauma and complaints? What basis can we give to the idea of penal abolitionism?

Practical information

  • Sessions will take place at Maison Suger, 16-18 rue Suger 75006 Paris
  • Mondays from 6:30pm to 8pm
  • Registration required


L'abolitionnisme pénal. Geoffroy de Lagasnerie - Maison Suger

Penal abolitionism

Questions of contemporary theory and policy.
L'abolitionnisme pénal. Geoffroy de Lagasnerie - Maison Suger

Penal abolitionism

Questions of contemporary theory and policy
L'abolitionnisme pénal. Geoffroy de Lagasnerie - Maison Suger

Penal abolitionism

22 April | Questions of contemporary theory and policy
L'abolitionnisme pénal. Geoffroy de Lagasnerie - Maison Suger

Penal abolitionism

Questions of contemporary theory and policy
See all project activities
Published at 27 September 2023