
167 results
Le repos en temps et en espaces précaires

Access to rest

The creation of shelter, and spaces and times of intimacy in situations of homelessness or inadequate housing.
du quartier au désert

From the neighborhood to the desert

2023 Winning project of the "Arts & SHS" programme
Closed project

Accumulations and accelerations: Computer totalitarianism

Seminar Accumulations and accelerations 2024
Les formes autochtones de propriété dans le contexte d'extractivisme et de l'Anthropocène

Indigenous forms of ownership in the context of extractivism and the Anthropocene

Ethnographic comparisons from the Andes and beyond
Mythes linguistiques

Language Myths

A New Approach to the Global Politicization of Classical Languages
Rencontrer la pensée urbaine pour penser la ville

Confluencing urban thought to rethink the city

Franco-Nordic conversations
Le végétal dans les villes des pays du sud

Plants in southern cities

Heritage, climate change adaptation and quality of life issues
Redistribuer la valeur dans les chaines de valeur des minerais extraits en Afrique

Redistributing value in African mineral value chains

An agenda for research and action

BEACHACCESS. The “lure of the seaside” under ecological pressure

Beach access between environmental justice and coastal protection
Closed project

Americanist Anthropology Seminar

2023-2024 programme
Closed project

International Semiotics Seminar in Paris

2023-2024 programme
Closed project
Séminaire P. Assoun 2023-2024 Maison Suger

Thinking the future: history and unconscious

2023-2024 programme
Closed project
L'abolitionnisme pénal. Geoffroy de Lagasnerie - Maison Suger

Penal abolitionism

2023-2024 programme
lauréate 2023 fonds Louis Dumont

Lost in translation

An ethnography of translation in the humanitarian field in Cambodia