
194 results
Projet lauréat 2024 programme franco-nordique "L'écriture et la traduction au féminin"

Women's writing and translating

Examining the creative process among multilingual women writers and translators in the 19th, 20th and 21st centuries
Analyse comparative des expériences vécues des migrants en situation juridique précaire

Comparative Analysis of the Lived Experiences of Migrants with Precarious Legal Status

Projet lauréat 2024 programme franco-nordique "Hors du temps ou modèle à suivre ?"

Out of step or leading light?

The role of French secularism as inspiration for Nordic law and policy on Religion
A l'ombre de la mine

In the shadow of the mine

Thinking about extractive activities and their environmental impact
Residence Art

One health’ art and digital residency

Involving artists throughout the research process
Terrain Anthropologie Arakmbut Amazonie Sud du Pérou VARGAS HELM Luis

Interethnic relations

Social organization and value on an extractive front in the Peruvian Amazon
Margherita Rasulo Terrain Kabylie

A Socio-anthropological approach to discreet action

Women's invisibility and (infra)political commitment in Kabylia (Algeria)


Eco-history of marine conservation in the Maghreb: discourses, practices and knowledge, XIXth-XXIst century


Interdisciplinary Research on Natural Disasters and Climate Change: Valuing Indigenous and Local Knowledge
Exil guerres

Exiles, Wars, and Creations

Images of Resistance in the Service of History
Visuel moments esthétiques

Aesthetic Moments in Health - An Atlas

Renewing experiences and representations of health
Zixuan Han terrain Louis Dumont 2024

Chugui (coming out) in China

Experiences and consequences for homosexuals in the context of the family and parenthood
Terrain Raphael Colliaux Louis Dumont 2024

Gender distinction in the light of bodily hierarchies among the Matsigenka of the Peruvian Amazon

Examine how Amazonian populations think about the distinction between the sexes
Terrain Alice CHARZAT Fonds Dumont 2024

Terms of address and kinship in the Japanese family

Influence of the school in language acquisition