Research networks in HSS

Supporting international research networks in the human and social sciences
Call closed
Closed since
Réseaux internationaux en SHS

The FMSH supports international research networks in human and social sciences.

This programme aims to support the creation or strengthening of international research networks to enable scientific communities to be more structured, collaborate, and give greater visibility to their work.

The call is open to researchers from all disciplines in the humanities and social sciences, starting from the PhD level, as well as to research centers. The coordinator must be associated or affiliated with a French research institution or higher education establishment that will host the project for its duration. The other members of the network may be doctoral students, post-doctoral fellows or researchers without affiliation in France or abroad.

The evaluation and selection of projects will be carried out by a scientific committee that will pay particular attention to the following elements:

  • The originality of the theme, the quality and relevance of the scientific project;
  • The international dimension of the network;
  • The interdisciplinarity of the network and the complementarity of the researchers;
  • The involvement of young researchers in the network;
  • The participation of actors from civil society.

Financial support is granted for a period of two to three years for a total amount between 5 000€ and 30 000€ over the period.

This support is intended to cover expenses related to the network's activities (travel, meetings, workshops, etc.), but does not cover personnel costs or salaries.

A funding contract will be established between the FMSH and the network coordinator's institution.

Call closed

1 result

Research networks in the Humanities and Social Sciences

call for proposals
Application deadline: May 31, 2023
Réseaux internationaux en SHS
Call closed
Call closed


Le végétal dans les villes des pays du sud

Plants in southern cities

Heritage, climate change adaptation and quality of life issues
Redistribuer la valeur dans les chaines de valeur des minerais extraits en Afrique

Redistributing value in African mineral value chains

An agenda for research and action

BEACHACCESS. The “lure of the seaside” under ecological pressure

Beach access between environmental justice and coastal protection
Réseau international Islam

International Islam Network

School Policies & Societies RIPoScoS
Réseau international sur l’ÉVAluation des Politiques Pénales

International Network on the Evaluation of Criminal Policies

For the Prevention of Recidivism and Social Reintegration (EVA-3PR)
See all projects


Séminaire Analyse de la Chine

China Analysis

28 June | Seminar organised by the international research network "Modernity, transition and reform in China".
Taïwan : les enjeux des années à venir

Taiwan: the challenges of the upcoming years

31 May | Conference organised by the international research network "Modernity, transition and reform in China".
Écritures de la violence extrême
Study day

Writing extreme violence

21 May | Study day organised by RICEVE
Le travail d’historien de nos jours

The work of today's historians

3 May | A comparative perspective of two historians in different cultural and political contexts
See all program activities