
Fondation Maison des Sciences de l’Homme

The foundation

A 60-year work for humanities and social sciences research
Created by the historian Fernand Braudel in 1963, the Fondation Maison des Sciences de l'Homme supports research and disseminates knowledge in the humanities and social sciences
Programme des événements du Comptoir - avril, mai, juin 2024


The Comptoir programme
Presentation of books, conferences, workshop, exhibitions...Explore the Comptoir's calendar of events for April, May and June 2024
Maison Suger

Research residency

Discover the Maison Suger
A place of residence and research for foreign researchers
Apply for a grant
Apply for a grant
Organise a research stay
Organise a research stay
Publish and disseminate your research
Publish and disseminate your research
Visit us
Visit us
Focus areas
Our work is currently organized around the following general focus areas.
Librairies, livres et visiteurs

Sciences and society

Spreading knowledge to citizen to nurture an informed society
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Arts and cultures

Thinking through societies in their social, cultural and patrimonial diversity to enrich our representations of the world
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Démocratie et libertés

Democracy & Freedom

Understanding the metamorphosis of democracies and defending academic freedom
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jetée vue du ciel

Global networks

Connecting researchers and knowledge to understand the complexity of the world
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Appel à résidence "Philip & Mary Hyman"

Ongoing call

Call for residencies: ‘Everyday life in France in the Early Modern’
A month's residency at the Maison Suger on the theme of ‘Everyday life in France in the Early Modern’

Our services to the community

Editions de la MSH

Éditions of the MSH

Disseminating rigorous yet accessible knowledge


The audiovisual platform for higher education and research
Diffusion du livre scientifique

Diffusion of publications

Promoting French and Francophone scientific production
Librairie en ligne

Le Comptoir

More than a bookshop, a unique place dedicated to the humanities and social sciences
Entrée de la Maison Suger

Maison Suger

A place of residence and research for foreign researchers


FMSH, le Journal

Le Journal FMSH

First issue of the FMSH magazine
Cycle de rencontres Livres en dialogue

Livres en dialogue

A series of meetings dedicated to new publications in humanities and social sciences
Les jeudis de la Maison Suger

Thursdays at the Maison Suger

Research seminars for Maison Suger residents
Découvrez les ouvrages à paraître aux Éditions de la MSH

Éditions Maison des Sciences de l'Homme publications

January-June 2024 catalogue