Ariane Deluz Prize

Call for applications | Sub-Saharan African Ethnology Research Grant (field)
Prix Ariane Deluz - Aide au terrain
Call closed
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Prix Ariane Deluz - Aide au terrain

Created in 2014 by the Ariane Deluz estate and managed by the FMSH, the Ariane Deluz Prize is awarded annually to a research project by a doctoral student in France who is preparing a thesis on the ethnology of sub-Saharan Africa. The prize allows the winner to carry out fieldwork in the main fields of ethnology (kinship, religion, arts and techniques, politics, etc.). According to the wish of the donor, the Franco-Swiss anthropologist Ariane Deluz, this prize will contribute to the development of ethnological work by future generations of Africa specialists.


The Ariane Deluz Prize is intended for doctoral students of any nationality who are preparing a thesis in the ethnology of sub-Saharan Africa in a French institution of higher education (alone or in joint tutorship). Young Africa specialists at the beginning of their theses are encouraged to apply.

The prize is worth 5,000 euros and provides additional resources to the beneficiary by contributing to their travel and/or stay in the field.

The beneficiary undertakes to mention the FMSH's financial support in any written or oral communication (thesis, publications, participation in conferences, etc.).

Submitting applications

The online application form is open from January 1 to March 15, 2023

The application form, written in French, is to be submitted in a single doc, docx or pdf document and must include the following items:

  • a completed application form
  • a CV, maximum 2 pages, accompanied by a list of publications and work
  • a research field program, maximum 5 pages of 1500 characters (250 words) each
  • a copy of the thesis project signed by the thesis director
  • a brief summary of the topic, maximum 5 lines.

Complete applications must be sent both electronically and by post. They must explicitly mention "Ariane Deluz Prize" on the envelope and be addressed to the FMSH at the address below.

Fondation Maison des sciences de l’homme
Pôle Scientifique – Prix Ariane Deluz 
54 boulevard Raspail – 75006 Paris

Applications that are incomplete or do not correspond to the above instructions will not be taken into account.

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