Sara Guindani

Head of the program The Politics of Images

Sara Guindani is Doctor of Philosophy and expert in aesthetics. She devised and leads the Politics of Images programme at the FMSH in Paris and lectures in art theory at Paris 8 Saint Denis University. Her research relates to the arts, philosophy and psychoanalysis and notably on the relationship between image and writing in the rememoration process. She has applied this area of expertise to the works of Marcel Proust and its influence on contemporary philosophical thought (Merleau-Ponty, Deleuze, Barthes).

Her publications include Lo stereoscopio de Proust. Pittura, fotografia e fantasmagoria nella Recherche [Proust's Stereoscope. Images, Photography and Phantasmagoria in Research] (Mimesis, 2005). She has also directed several works on the relationships between literature and photography, among which Effetti di verità: documenti e immagini tra storia e finzione [Effects of Truth: Documents and Images Between History and Fiction] (with M. Piazza, Roma TrE-Press, 2016). She has translated from French into Italian several philosophy and art theory essays by authors such as André Chastel, Louis Marin and Georges Didi-Huberman.

Sara Guidani is also Scientific Director of the Collège d'études mondiales at the Fondation Maison des sciences de l'homme.


Recent publications  :

  • Effetti di verità: documenti e immagini tra storia e finzione (con M. Piazza, Roma TrE-Press, 2016). 
  • Lo stereoscopio de Proust. Pittura, fotografia e fantasmagoria nella Recherche (Mimesis, 2005).

The politics of images

A place of study and discussion on the relations between images and politics



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Le Trauma

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L’art et le symptôme

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See all researcher activities
Published at 16 December 2016