Le Journal FMSH

First issue of the FMSH magazine
journal FMSH-bannière web

On the occasion of its sixtieth anniversary, we are pleased to invite you to discover the first issue of the Journal FMSH, a magazine reflecting the Foundation's missions and actions. A space for exploration and reflection, this issue offers an immersion into the heart of research and dissemination in the humanities and social sciences. As you read, Le Journal FMSH invites you to discover its prize-winners, partners, events, research projects and mechanisms for disseminating knowledge. From Mayotte to Mexico, via Turkey and Ethiopia, we invite you to travel, to question, to wonder across languages, territories and disciplines.

This issue features a special report on academic freedom, a value that has been part of the Foundation's DNA since its inception. Deeply concerned by the major issues and crises of our contemporary world, the FMSH has always supported intellectual circles threatened by a deterioration in working conditions in their region. How can research be pursued when conflict breaks out, access to sources becomes more difficult or freedom of expression is curtailed by the powers that be? How do you foster the conditions for free and serene research? Discover the powerful testimonies of researchers hosted by the FMSH.

To round off the immersion, we invite you to the Comptoir, a unique venue for promoting and discovering the humanities and social sciences. This is your chance to browse through our selection of new titles published by Éditions de la MSH.   

In the hope of satisfying the most curious and passionate among you, we hope to make this magazine the first issue of a long series, in line with our history of serving the humanities and social sciences.

Happy reading!

Table of contents

Explorer, comprendre, partager avec Canal-U

Entretien avec Damien Poïvet, chef de projet Canal-U
chercheuses et chercheurs de demain, entretien avec Paola Schierano

Interview with Paola Schierano

Les Mahorais en métropole : mobilité et institutionnalisation d’une communauté en marge de l'histoire
visuel ethiopie _Journal FMSH

Research in the face of war in Ethiopia

Testimonies from Mehdi Labzaé and Mitiku Gabrehiwot
Sculptures de la série "Les Voyageurs" de Bruno Catalano

Parcours d'intellectuels en exil

L'exil intellectuel de Milan Kundera par le politologue Jacques Rupnik
vignette interview croisée Deniz et Olena

Turquie et Ukraine, portrait croisé de deux chercheuses entravées

Rencontre avec Deniz Günce Demirhisar & Olena Kovalchuk
Zones contraintes vignette

Zones contraintes

The podcast series that brings you the stories of hindered researchers
Réseau international sur l’ÉVAluation des Politiques Pénales

International Network on the Evaluation of Criminal Policies

For the Prevention of Recidivism and Social Reintegration (EVA-3PR)


Bibliothèque numérique intelligente

“Mexico: A land of the disappeared”

An interview with the anthropologist Sabrina Melenotte


Manifeste pour une nouvelle Méditerranée de la connaissance

Du cœur à l'ouvrage : dans l'intimité du travail des archéologues

Exposition de photographies | Du 7 novembre au 13 décembre 2022
Democracy & Freedom

Restoring dialogue and deliberation in contemporary society

Public roundtable | Thursday, 17 March 2022 at 6pm
Collection Afrique(s)

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Published at 16 January 2024