Restoring dialogue and deliberation in contemporary society

Public roundtable | Thursday, 17 March 2022 at 6pm
6:00 pm
7:45 pm

Roundtable organized by the FMSH, Reset Dialogues on civilizations and the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation’s Delegation in France as part of the one-day conference The Fragility of Democracy: Rescuing Dialogue and Deliberation.

The public sphere has suffered from ever increasing sectarianism combined with a lack of initiative -- by lawmakers, media and technology firms -- to curtail the dissemination of misinformation and violent language. Voters feel increasingly alienated from decision-makers, opening the field to firebrand rhetoric and policies and further limiting the space for democratic deliberation. Steps are being taken to regain some lost ground. Are such efforts too little, too late? As sectarian echo-chambers become ever more cavernous, how can discourse be brought back to reason?

Drawing on perspectives from political science, the media, civil society, and those who themselves have occupied policy-making roles, this roundtable will tackle the issues currently facing those in power and shed some light on possible solutions for bridging the current discursive chasm that is plaguing democracy.

With Alberto Alemanno (HEC / The Good Lobby), Craig Calhoun (Arizona State University), Annabelle Lever (SciencesPo), Christophe Deloire (Reporters Sans Frontières), Sylvie Goulard (Banque de France*), Jonathan Laurence (Boston College / Reset Dialogues US)

Register online
simultaneous English-French translation will be available

*Speaking in a personal capacity

Online conferences The Fragility of Democracy: Rescuing Dialogue and Deliberation

This roundtable is a part of The Fragility of Democracy: Rescuing Dialogue and Deliberation conferences, organized in collaboration with Reset Dialogues on Civilizations and the Calouste Gulbenkian Foundation’s Delegation in France. This day-long conference aim to set an agenda to craft solutions for overcoming the biggest threats to our public discourse


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*Participation in this event is conditional on event registration and to the green pass control in accordance with decree No. 2021-1059 of August 7, 2021. The personal data collected is not kept by the FMSH.


Revoir la table ronde
Interviews des six intervenants

Craig Calhoun,professeur universitaire de sciences sociales à l'Arizona State University.

Jonathan Laurence, directeur exécutif de Reset Dialogues et professeur de sciences politiques au Boston College.

Nilüfer Göle, professeur de sociologie à l'Ecole des Hautes Etudes en Sciences Sociales à Paris.

Annabelle Lever, chercheur permanent au Centre de recherches politiques de Sciences Po (CEVIPOF)

Lisa Anderson, professeur et doyenne émérite de l'École des affaires internationales et publiques ; conférencière spéciale en affaires internationales et publiques

Giancarlo Bosetti, président exécutif et l'un des fondateurs de Reset DOC et Reset.


The Fragility of Democracy: Rescuing Dialogue and Deliberation

Conferences | Thursday, 17 March 2022
Thematic programmes

Crises and metamorphoses of democracy

Understanding the transformations of democracy
Published at 17 March 2022