

Caribbean and Transatlantic Worlds on the Move

Building a paradigm of modernity based on the Caribbean


A journal that seeks to mainstream the principle of translation in scholarly debates worldwide

Racism and Anti-Semitism: global, national and local perspectives

Research seminar 2020-2021
Closed project

International Platform on Racism and Antisemitism

Contemporary forms of racism, anti-Semitism and anti-racism
Closed project

A sociohistory of democratic representations of populism

A global and connected approach

Racism and Anti-Semitism: global, national and local perspectives

Research seminar 2020-2021
Closed project

Racism and Anti-Semitism: global, national and local perspectives (2020)

Research seminar

Documental Mobilization revolution – From capital to Documental Mobilization

Seminar 2018 of the Documental Mobilization research initiative

Social Science Information

The analysis and debate of trends and approaches in social science research
Closed project

Plural democracy and economy

- Closed project -

ELITAF - Students and elites trained in URSS universities

[ Closed ] Students and African elites trained in the countries of the former Soviet bloc