Documental Mobilization revolution – From capital to Documental Mobilization

Seminar 2018 of the Documental Mobilization research initiative

Documental Mobilization, meaning union between the instituted strength of documents and media dynamic, transformed quickly the social word with a power which only equivalent is the capitalist revolution at the beginning of the 19th century. Yet, this shift have not been conceptualized and we are used to read it as an evolution of capitalism, whereas it is actually a radical transformation introducing a discontinuity which characteristics must be analysed.

This seminar is organised by Maurizio Ferraris, in charge of the Documental Mobilization research initiative, Sara Guindani, Enrico Terrone and Angela Condello.

It will be held at the forum library (1st floor) of the Fondation Maison des sciences de l’homme, 54 bd Raspail, 75006, Paris.

Seminar sessions

Instead of seeing the current time as the latest phase of capitalism, this session offers to identify three periods that took turns: 19th century capitalism, Mediality in the 20th century communication society, and Documental Mobilization in the web society.

According to Marx, merchandize is the solidification of a social relation. What happen when society enter in the Mediality and the Documental Mobilization phase, is the disclosure of this principle, that still appear as a mystery in Marx philosophy: merchandize becomes a show, in the medial phase, then a document, in the documental mobilization phase, meaning that it reveals its own nature as a social object.

Work in the capitalist era turned into consumerism in the medial age. Yet, today society face a new phase: a gigantic mass of continuous and free work on social networks, that realise the perfection of work mobilization, while knocking off the distinction between work and non-work life.

Workers objective in the capitalist era was subsistence; the medial age on the contrary pledged for advertising. The fundamental characteristics of the documental mobilization age is recognition, as it is particularly obvious in the image policy of selfies: selfies are not a narcissist phenomenon, as it is often argued by people wanting to be good moralist, but rather the essential instrument of a battle for recognition.

The fundamental characteristics of the documental mobilization age is not alienation, the cession of someone own work; on the contrary, it is self-affirmation. It occurs as much in the military and schmittien aspect of web dynamic than in the use of truth as a typical identity factor of post-truth era.

The organization of the social word in class, then in listening group at the medial age, is shifting in social atomization characteristic of documental mobilization age “echo chambers”. Scope are created and offer a new version of monadology. It is caused by the fact that they represent the whole universe (WWW) threw perspectives of individual that interacts on social networks.

All the speakers of the seminar will be gathered to draw conclusions of the work done and to indicate possible actions for the management and comprehension of the documental mobilization age.


Learn more

Documental mobilization research initiative



What should we do?

Documental Mobilization seminar - Tuesday, February 20, 2018

From social class to monad

Documental Mobilization seminar - Tuesday, February 13, 2018

From alienation to self-affirmation

Documental Mobilization seminar - Tuesday, February 6, 2018

From subsistence to reconnaissance

Documental Mobilization seminar - Tuesday, January 30, 2018
See all project activities
Published at 20 December 2017