Closed program

Crises and metamorphoses of democracy

Understanding the transformations of democracy
Calls closed
Closed since
métamorphose de la démocratie, programme thématique

In recent years, democracies have been put to the test in many countries worldwide, including those usually considered ‘stable.’ In Europe, populism, right-wing nationalism, and certain socially reactionary positions have gained ground. In North Africa and Turkey, democracies have demonstrated their fragility and instability. In the United States, the rise of Trump and the Capitol riots in 2021 have revealed the extent of the American social divide and the violence it generates. Ultimately, the health crisis seems to have awakened distrust in democratic institutions and their representatives at the international level, widened the gap between citizens, and heightened the polarisation of discourse, making dialogue impossible at times.

Organised around an annual call for projects and collaborations with institutions and networks dedicated to the theme of democracy, the Crises and Metamorphoses of Democracy programme aims to examine the current model of democracy, its values, and its transformations. In particular, the programme aims to identify and bring together researchers and specialists examining the factors putting our democratic systems under stress and the possible solutions moving forward.

Projects and collaborations
  • Call for projects "Crises and metamorphoses of democracy

Organized in partnership with the Gulbenkian Foundation, the "Crises and Metamorphoses of Democracy" call for projects supports research dedicated to the transformation of democracy. Open to researchers from all disciplines in the humanities and social sciences, this call for proposals rewards projects that are original in terms of their problematic and their approach, and characterized by a strong collaborative and interdisciplinary dimension, as well as by their international outlook.

  • Electoral democracy in danger? CÉRIUM-FMSH Chair on Global Governance

The Chair on Global Governance, created by the Centre d'études et de recherches internationales de l'Université de Montréal (CÉRIUM) and the Fondation Maison des Sciences de l'Homme (FMSH), aims to develop an international program of research, training and outreach on global governance issues. For the period 2022-2024, the priority theme is "Democracies at Risk".

  • Collaboration with the association Reset Dialogues

The FMSH supports and collaborates with the international association Reset Dialogues, which promotes cultural pluralism, the rule of law, and human rights. Relations between the two institutions include the organization of events and summer schools on the theme of democracy.


RUS-OP 2022

Russian citizens facing the war in Ukraine

RUS-OP 2022
Logo de la chaire Cerium FMSH

Electoral democracy in danger?

CÉRIUM-FMSH Chair on global governance
Closed project

Perpignan social laboratory

A winning project of the "Populism and democracy" theme
Closed project

A sociohistory of democratic representations of populism

A global and connected approach


Rupture ou érosion ?
Democracy & Freedom

Disruption or Erosion? Patterns of Democratic Regression over Time

Article by Kevin Walz (University of Mainz)
Les médias sociaux polarisent-ils ?
Democracy & Freedom

Do social media polarize?

Article by Juliette Leblanc, SciencesPo Paris
La démocratie électorale en danger ?
Democracy & Freedom

Electoral Democracy in Danger?

Summer School “Electoral Democracy in Danger?”, article by Luana Russo
L’Inde Modi-fiée : Polarisation affective et soutien aux normes démocratiques en Inde
Democracy & Freedom

‘Modi’fied India

Affective polarisation and support for democratic norms in India
See all program activities