Electoral democracy in danger?

CÉRIUM-FMSH Chair on global governance
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Many contemporary democracies are characterized by increasing levels of ideological and affective polarization. The research program of the CÉRIUM-FMSH Chair aims to stimulate comparative research on these forms of polarization, not only in Europe and North America, but also in other democracies. Among other things, we are interested in how conflicts around socio-cultural issues—such as immigration and cultural liberalism—may reinforce a dynamic of polarization. These issues foster the development of new social identities and lead to identity-based conflicts that are more difficult to resolve. These developments are worrisome as increasing polarization may limit the ability to find compromises and can lead to a crisis of representation.


"Disruption or Erosion? Patterns of Democratic Regression over Time". Summer school organized at Sciences Po, 3-7 July 2023

Electoral Democracy in Danger?”. Summer school organized at Sciences Po, 3-7 July 2023

“New Challenges to Democracy”. Workshop organized at the Station de Biologie des Laurentides, Université de Montréal, 12-14 September 2022

“Affective Polarization: A Challenge for Electoral Democracy?” Workshop organized at Sciences Po, Paris, 20-21 May 2022


Podcast: Presentation of the Chair

“Do protests mobilize voters? The 2019 protests in Bolivia and Chile and their effect on elections”, by Francisca Castro, Humboldt-Universität, Berlin

“Why aren´t radical voters more satisfied with democracy when entering the political system? The role of affective polarization », by Álvaro Canalejo-Molero and Morgan Le Corre Juratic, European University Institute


Rupture ou érosion ?
Democracy & Freedom

Disruption or Erosion? Patterns of Democratic Regression over Time

Article by Kevin Walz (University of Mainz)
Les médias sociaux polarisent-ils ?
Democracy & Freedom

Do social media polarize?

Article by Juliette Leblanc, SciencesPo Paris
La démocratie électorale en danger ?
Democracy & Freedom

Electoral Democracy in Danger?

Summer School “Electoral Democracy in Danger?”, article by Luana Russo
L’Inde Modi-fiée : Polarisation affective et soutien aux normes démocratiques en Inde
Democracy & Freedom

‘Modi’fied India

Affective polarisation and support for democratic norms in India
See all project activities
Published at 7 February 2023