Russian citizens facing the war in Ukraine

RUS-OP 2022
RUS-OP 2022
RUS-OP 2022
Project supported under the programmes "Crises and metamorphoses of democracy" and "Themis"

The RUS-OP 2022 research project "Russian citizens facing the war in Ukraine" emerged in the spring of 2022 from the converging questions of historians and sociologists working on Russia and Russians in exile. Its ambition is to overcome the vagueness surrounding the perception, by Russians, of the invasion of Ukraine and the rise of authoritarianism in Russia. Through a qualitative approach, via the collection of several hundred in-depth semi-structured interviews, the aim is to show the spectrum of positions and opinions in their dynamics and complexity.

Our team of seven French researchers (Bella Ostromooukhova, Sarah Gruszka, Olga Bronnikova, Anna Zaytseva, Valérie Pozner, Carole Sigman, Sofia Tchouïkina) and one Russian researcher in exile (Timur Atnashev), anchored in different research laboratories in France, is conducting its investigation among Russians who have remained in Russia, those who have been living in emigration for a long time and those who left Russia after February 24, 2022. The countries of exile in which we are conducting the survey are France, Georgia, Germany, Armenia and Israel.

In addition to the FMSH, our project has obtained the support of the "Migrations and Geopolitical Conflicts" program (CNRS/IHEMI) and the CEFR. It has also established a partnership with "La Contemporaine. Bibliothèque, archives, musées des mondes contemporains" for the valorization of the collected interviews and the constitution of an oral history archive.

Project coordinator

  • Anna Zaytseva
  • Sarah Gruszka

Project Team

  • Bella Ostromooukhova
  • Timur Atnashev
  • Carole Sigman
  • Valérie Pozner
  • Sofia Tchouikina
Published at 14 April 2023