

GRETS Seminar

Year 2021-2022

GRETS Seminar

Year 2021-2022

GRETS Seminar

Year 2021-2022

Inequalities of "power of action" and justice of the ecological transition

Evaluate the notion of power of action

GRETS Seminar

Year 2017-2018

GRETS Seminar

Year 2017-2018

Mutations of capital? Nature and Value in the ecological crisis

Seminar of the Ecology, Work, Employment chair

Seminar Global Destinies of Latin America

Seminar 2018 held by Yvon le Bot and Ernesto Ottone

Documental Mobilization revolution – From capital to Documental Mobilization

Seminar 2018 of the Documental Mobilization research initiative

Social Science Information

The analysis and debate of trends and approaches in social science research
Closed project

Plural democracy and economy

- Closed project -

GRETS Seminar

Year 2017-2018