Themis Programme

Obstructed research
Call closed
Closed since
Programme Thémis

The FMSH supports the intellectual community in countries affected by various obstacles to academic freedom. The THÉMIS mobility programme is dedicated to researchers whose fields and research are subject to restrictions.

The programme offers mobility grants for stays in France of 1 to 3 months to researchers of all nationalities facing obstacles to their academic freedom in their countries of origin.

The grant is intended for research work in France: fieldwork, library, and archival work.
An allowance of €1,800 is awarded to grant holders to cover travel and living expenses.

In addition, the FMSH provides researchers with assistance in obtaining a visa for their stay in France, as well as logistical support (help with finding accommodation and accessing libraries).

Context: working in difficult conditions and being hindered in their research. Impediments to academic freedom may be of various kinds.

Status and degree: applicants must be attached to a private or public higher education research institution / research institute and hold a research doctorate.

Candidates must be under 65 years of age at the time of their stay.

Discipline: candidates must be engaged in research in the humanities and social sciences.

Projects will be evaluated based on the following elements

  • The scientific quality of the project and the method developed;
  • The need to come to France in view of the project and the obstacles mentioned;
  • The feasibility of the project during the stay in France.

Once the applications have been evaluated, they will be selected by a committee made up of members of the Executive Board and scientific leaders from the FMSH and specialists from outside the Foundation.

Call closed

Call opens in September 2024

1 result

Themis programme

Impeded research
Until May 15, 2024
Programme Thémis
Call closed
Call closed


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