Arts & HSS

Analyzing the articulations between arts and humanities and social sciences, promoting exchange and dialogue between different theories and practices of knowledge
Calls closed
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Arts et SHS, bannière site

The Fondation Maison des Sciences de l'Homme supports the implementation of projects dedicated to the theme of "Arts and Humanities and Social Sciences".

This call aims to provide scientific and material support to research projects that are in the early stages of development and that, through this support, will be able to gain in problematic content, methodology, and the creation of research networks.

Since its creation, the FMSH has supported the exchange and dialogue between different theories and practices of knowledge. The relationship between the arts and the humanities and social sciences has evolved considerably in recent years, and the analysis of this articulation can be very fruitful.

The new practices of artistic creation by the digital (either musical, photographic, filmographic) have indeed upset the forms of their apprehension by asking for new conceptual tools for any appropriate reflection.

The arts have moreover often had an essential role in the movements of claims and protest, and this in their capacity to affirm subjectivities whose narratives were often marginalized and excluded from the institutional knowledge, thus thwarting practically certain forms of ethnocentrism or of "methodological nationalism".

In concrete terms, the arts have also had an impact on territorial planning, on participation in civic life, on the teaching of history and the transmission of memory, as well as on the psychic life and identification processes of individuals and groups. So many fields where the support to the dialogue between artistic creativity and the reflection of human and social sciences shows all its range and its meaning.

The call is open to researchers from all disciplines in the humanities and social sciences, starting at the doctoral level. Only the coordinator must be a member of a French research institution or higher education institution that will host the project during its duration. The other team members may be doctoral students, post-doctoral fellows or researchers without affiliation in France or abroad.

The evaluation and selection of the projects will be carried out by an ad hoc scientific committee and will focus on:

  • the originality of the problematic and the approach, paying particular attention to interdisciplinary and international projects;
  • their collaborative dimension and involving small teams of 3-6 people (whose coordinator is statutorily attached to a French research institution or higher education establishment and present in France and the other members may be doctoral students, post-doctoral fellows or researchers without affiliation), newly constituted and likely to form larger research networks;
  • the participation of young researchers;
  • the participation and involvement of one or more art or artistic creation centers;
  • Co-funding from other partner institutions will be a plus.
  • The financial support allocated is for a period of two years;
  • The amount of the project is between 5,000 and 20,000 euros per project over the two years;
  • The support covers the various types of expenses related to the project's activities (travel expenses, accommodation, work meetings, workshops, etc.), with the exception of personnel expenses and salaries;
  • An agreement will be established between the FMSH and the institution to which each project coordinator belongs.

Calls closed

2 results

Arts & HSS

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Call closed
Call closed

Arts & HSS

Call for projects
Deadline: May 3, 2024
Arts et SHS, bannière site
Call closed
Call closed


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