Research networks in the HSS - Climate Change and Environment
The Fondation Maison des Sciences de l'Homme (FMSH) supports international research networks in the Humanities and Social Sciences.
This call aims to support the creation or strengthening of international research networks on societal challenges to enable scientific communities to structure themselves, collaborate and give greater visibility to their work.
This year's theme is: Climate Change and the Environment. Synergies between human and social sciences and life and earth sciences are strongly encouraged.
The call is open to researchers from all disciplines in the humanities and social sciences, starting from the PhD level, as well as to research centers. One of the coordinator must be associated or affiliated with a French research or higher education institution that will host the project for its duration. The other members of the network may be doctoral students, post-doctoral fellows or researchers without affiliation in France or abroad.
Selection criteria
Network proposals will be evaluated and selected by an ad hoc scientific committee, which will pay particular attention to the following criteria:
- the originality of the theme and the quality and relevance of the scientific project;
- the international dimension of the network;
- the interdisciplinary dimension of the network and the complementarities of the researchers involved;
- synergies between the social sciences and humanities and the life and earch sciences;
- the involvement of early-carreer researchers in the network;
- the participation of civil society players.
Applications that do not present an interdisciplinary and international dimension, as well as a clear dissemination plan, will not be presented to the Selection Committee.
Practical and financial terms
Financial support is granted for a period of two to three years for a total amount between 5 000€ and 30 000€ over the period.
This support is intended to cover expenses related to the network's activities (travel costs, costs related to meetings, workshops, etc.), but does not cover personnel costs or salaries.
A funding contract will be established between the FMSH and the French network coordinator's institution.
Application file
The application file must include the following documents:
- The application form which includes in particular: A detailed presentation of the network describing its composition, the scientific project, the interdisciplinary and international dimensions and the planned activities;
- A project-related bibliography;
- A provisional budget with a precise schedule (with a start of activities in January 2024 at the earliest).
The applications should be submitted via the FMSH online platform. Incomplete applications or applications not corresponding to this call will not be considered.
Beneficiary’s obligations
- An interim report will be required at the end of the first year (and the second year if applicable), and a final report will be required at the end of the project.
- The coordinator/s and the FMSH (Reseach & International Direction) will organise annual meetings to discuss the network advancments.
- The coordinator/s will undertake to participate in periodic network meetings with the FMSH.
- The coordinator/s will also make sure to inform the FMSH in a timely manner of the activities planned for the purposes of dissemination and promotion of the network activities.
In terms of communication:
Network teams are required to use the FMSH logo on all communication documents and acknowledge FMSH support for the project in communications regarding the network (programs, posters, proceedings, documents given to participants, articles).
Application submission and calendar
Applications must be submitted as follows:
- Go to the platform and enter the "Project workspace";
- Log in if you have already created an account, or create an account;
- Fill in your account profile for the "Project manager contact information" platform and click on "Create a project";
- Select the call: "International Research Networks - 2024";
- Fill in all categories of information about your network project;
- Specify the team coordinator and its members;
- At the bottom of the project page, upload as a single electronic document in PDF or zipped file format titled "Call for International Research Networks in HSS-2024".
Opening of the call
February 5th, 2024
Application deadline
Friday May 3rd, 2024
Announcement of results
Autumn 2024