Womanizing Land: The Culture of Women Not Possessing Land

October 17 | Monica Mastrantonio Martins Seminar
6:00 pm
7:30 pm
Womanizing Land : La culture des femmes qui ne possèdent pas la terre - récits et défis pour une planète durable
© Monica Mastrantonio Martins
- Womanizing Land: The Culture of Women Not Possessing Land - Narratives & Challenges for a Sustainable Planet -

Presentation of a research project as part of the "Jeudis de la Maison Suger", a residents' research seminar.

Monica Mastrantonio Martins is clinical psychologist and doctor in social psychology, Post-doc in Cultural Psychology. Inner SDG consultant. She is Dissertation Supervisor at Arden University – UK. She also is an Independant researcher and Ambassador at World Forest Organization in United Kingdom, Asmallworld (CH), Global Goodwill Ambassadors (USA). She published fiction as Margareth Stewart: The War, The Cabaret, Urban Poems. 

Presentation of the project

""Womanizing Land: The Culture of Women Not Possessing Land - Narratives & Challenges for a Sustainable Planet," delves into the crucial issue of women's land ownership global data and the profound impact of the actual numbers on economic empowerment, social development, and sustainability. Despite the pivotal role land ownership plays, women have historically faced significant barriers in accessing and owning land, leading to detrimental effects on their autonomy and well-being. This seminar will explore not only the cultural, social, and economic factors perpetuating these gender disparities, but also the inner aspects that make this ownership so difficult and precarious. By utilizing both quantitative and qualitative research methodologies, Monica re-constructs the map of difficulties, women face while buying, inheriting, and managing land. Through in-depth geographical data and personal narratives analysis, she believes it is possible to act at the first stages of this disparity to guarantee that the next generations can thrive equally through collaborative efforts among governments, civil society, and local communities. The goal is to dismantle existing barriers, while promoting equitable land ownership for women, fostering sustainable and empowered communities globally.Womanizing Land: The Culture of Women Not Possessing Land - Narratives & Challenges for a Sustainable Planet," delves into the crucial issue of women's land ownership global data and the profound impact of the actual numbers on economic empowerment, social development, and sustainability. Despite the pivotal role land ownership plays, women have historically faced significant barriers in accessing and owning land, leading to detrimental effects on their autonomy and well-being. This seminar will explore not only the cultural, social, and economic factors perpetuating these gender disparities, but also the inner aspects that make this ownership so difficult and precarious. By utilizing both quantitative and qualitative research methodologies, Monica re-constructs the map of difficulties, women face while buying, inheriting, and managing land. Through in-depth geographical data and personal narratives analysis, she believes it is possible to act at the first stages of this disparity to guarantee that the next generations can thrive equally through collaborative efforts among governments, civil society, and local communities. The goal is to dismantle existing barriers, while promoting equitable land ownership for women, fostering sustainable and empowered communities globally."


Monica Mastrantonio: a licensed clinical psychologist, MBA supervisor at the course of Business Psychology at Arden University (UK), land owner who transformed her farm from cattle to crop, and activist in women’s rights. She is also a recognized artists with some exhibitions worldwide.

Published at 13 September 2024