Pablo Lorenzano

Invited Researcher of DEA Programme Stay in France: from September 1st to October 14, 2018

Pablo Lorenzano (born in Buenos Aires) is a philosopher specialized in Philosophy and History of Science, in particular of Biology, who did undergraduate studies in Philosophy at the UNAM (Mexico), and obtained his Ph.D. in Philosophy from the Free University of Berlin (Germany). He is known for his philosophical analyses of empirical theories by means of metatheoretical structuralism, and of historiographical analyses of the origins of Genetics. He is Full Professor, and Director of the Center of Studies in Philosophy and History of Science, National University of Quilmes, and Main Researcher of the National Scientific and Technical Research Council (CONICET), from Argentina.

The project 

Title: A Philosophical Analysis of the History of Genetics: The Structure of an Initial Scientific Revolution. The Birth and Establishment of Genetics


Philosophy of Science, History of Science, Philosophy of Biology, History of Biology, History of Philosophy of Science

Selected publications


  • (together with C. Abreu, J. Ahumada, L. Federico, S. Ginnobili, M. O’Lery and L.Salvatico) (eds.), Filosofía e Historia de la Ciencia en el Cono Sur, Selección de trabajos del VIII Encuentro de Filosofía e Historia de la Ciencia del Cono Sur (Philosophy and History of Science in the South Cone. Selection of Works Presented at the VIII Meeting of the Philosophy and History of Science in the South Cone), Córdoba: Editorial de la Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, 2016.
  • (together with con L.A.-C.P. Martins and A.C. Regner)(eds.), History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences in the South Cone, London: College Publications, 2013.
  • (together with A. Diéguez, V. Claramonte, J. Alcolea, G. Caponi, A, Etxeberría, A. Marcos, J. Martínez Contreras and A. Rosas)(eds.), Actas del I Congreso de la Asociación Iberoamericana de Filosofía de la Biología (Proceedings of the 1st Congress of the Ibero American Association of Philosophy of Biology), Valencia: Publicacions de la Universitat de València, 2012.
  • (together with O. Nudler)(eds.), El camino desde Kuhn. La inconmensurabilidad hoy (The Road since Kuhn. Incommensurability Today), Madrid: Editorial Biblioteca Nueva, 2012.
  • (together with H.-J. Rheinberger, E. Ortiz and C. Galles)(comps.), History and Philosophy of Science and Technology, Vols. 1-4, Oxford: EOLSS Publishers Co. Ltd., 2010.
  • (together with C. Lorenzano)(eds.), Libro de Abstracts y Resúmenes, III Congreso Iberoamericano de Filosofía de la Ciencia y la Tecnología (Book of Abstracts. 3rd Ibero-American Congress of Philosophy of Science and Tecnology), Buenos Aires: EDUNTREF, 2010.
  • (together with H. Miguel)(eds.), Filosofía e Historia de la Ciencia en el Cono Sur, Volumen II (Philosophy and History of Science in the South Cone, Volume II), Buenos Aires: C.C.C. Educando, 2007.
  • (together with H.-J. Rheinberger, E. Ortiz and C. Galles)(eds.), History and Philosophy of Science and Technology, EOLSS, Developed under the Auspices of the UNESCO, Eolss Publishers, Oxford, UK [], 2007.
  • (together with L.A.-C.P. Martins and A.C. Regner)(eds.), Ciências da vida: estudos filosóficos e históricos (Life Sciences: Philosophical and Historical Studies), Campinas: AFHIC, 2006.
  • Filosofía de la ciencia (Philosophy of Science), Quilmes: Universidad Virtual de Quilmes, 2004.
  • (together with F. Tula Molina)(eds.), Filosofía e Historia de la Ciencia en el Cono Sur (Philosophy and History of Science in the South Cone), Quilmes: Universidad Nacional de Quilmes, 2002.
  • (together with J.A. Díez)(eds.), Desarrollos actuales de la metateoría estructuralista: problemas y discusiones (Current Developments of the Structuralist Metatheory: Problems and Discussions), Quilmes: Universidad Nacional de Quilmes/Universidad Autónoma de Zacatecas/Universidad Rovira i Virgili, 2002.
  • Geschichte und Struktur der klassischen Genetik (History and Structure of Classical Genetics), Frankfurt am Main: Peter Lang, 1995.

As Editor of Special Issues of Journals

  • Lorenzano, P., Romero, G.E. and P. Jacovkis (eds.), Homenaje a Mario Bunge (Hommage to Mario Bunge, special issue of Metatheoria. Journal of Philosophy and History of Science), Vol. 7, No. 2 (2017): 1-60. National University of Tres de Febrero.
  • Díez, J.A., Falguera, J.L. and P. Lorenzano (eds.), Nuevas contribuciones iberoamericanas a la metateoría estructuralista (New Ibero American Contributions to the Structuralist Metatheory, special issue of Ágora. Papeles de Filosofía) (in Spanish), Vol. 31, No. 2 (2012): 1-309. University of Santiago de Compostela.
  • García de la Sienra, A. and P. Lorenzano (eds.), La metateoría estructuralista en Xalapa (Structuralist Metatheory in Xalapa, special issue of Stoa) (in Spanish), Vol. 3, No. 5 (2012): 1-244. University of Veracruz.
  • Díez, J.A., Falguera, J.L. and P. Lorenzano (eds.), Metatheoretical Structuralism, special issue of Metatheoria. Journal of Philosophy and History of Science, Vol. 1, No. 2 (2011): 1-256. National University of Tres de Febrero.
  • Lorenzano, P. and E. Pérez Sedeño (eds.), Lenguaje y Ciencia (Language and Science, special issue of Árbor) (in Spanish), Vol. 187, No. 747 (2011): 1-124, Madrid (Spain): Superior Council of Scientific Investigations (CSIC).


  • “La red teórica de la dinámica de poblaciones” (“The Theory-Net of Population Dynamics”) (written with Martín Díaz), Scientiae Studia. Revista Latino-Americana de Filosofía e História da Ciência 15(2) (2017): 307-342.
  • “¿Son a priori los modelos explicativos de la selección natural?” (“Are Natural Selection Explanatory Models A Priori?”) (in Spanish) (written with José A. Díez), Metatheoria. Revista de Filosofía e Historia de la Ciencia/Journal of Philosophy and History of Science/Revista de Filosofia e História da Ciência 8(1) (2017): 31-42.
  • “Introducción” (”Introduction”) (in Spanish), Metatheoria. Revista de Filosofía e Historia de la Ciencia/Journal of Philosophy and History of Science/Revista de Filosofia e Historia da Ciência 7(2) (2017): 1-2.
  • “La noción estructuralista de ‘comparabilidad empírica’ y la enseñanza modelo-teórica de las ciencias” (“The Structuralist Notion of ‘Empirical Comparability’ and the Model-Theoretic Teaching of Science”) (written with Yefrin Ariza and Agustín Adúriz-Bravo), Revista Latinoamericana de Estudios Educativos 12(1) (2016): 11-38.
  • “Meta-Theoretical Contributions to the Constitution of a Model-Based Didactics of Science” (written with Yefrin Ariza and Agustín Adúriz-Bravo), Science & Education 25(7-8) (2016): 747-773.
  • “Are Natural Selection Explanatory Models A Priori?” (written with José A. Díez), Biology & Philosophy 30(6) (2015): 787-809.
  • “Reconstrucción de patrones explicativos vs. reconstrucción de teorías” (“Reconstruction of Explanatory Patterns Vs. Reconstruction of Theories”) (in Spanish) (written with Santiago Ginnobili), in Ahumada, J.V., Venturelli, A.N. and S. Seno Chibeni (eds.), Filosofía e Historia de la Ciencia en el Cono Sur. Selección de trabajos del IX Encuentro y las XXV Jornadas de Epistemología e Historia de la Ciencia, Córdoba: Editorial de la Universidad Nacional de Córdoba, 2015, pp. 417-428.
  • “Principios-guía y leyes fundamentales en la metateoría estructuralista” (“Guiding-Principles and Fundamental Laws in Metatheoretical Structuralism”), Cuadernos del Sur 43-44 (2014-2015): 35-74.
  • “What is the Status of the Hardy-Weinberg Law within Population Genetics?”, in Galavotti, M.C., Nemeth, E. and F. Stadler (eds.), European Philosophy of Science – Philosophy of Science in Europe and the Viennese Heritage, Vienna Circle Institute Yearbook 17, Dordrecht: Springer, 2014, pp. 159-172.
  • “The Semantic Conception and the Structuralist View of Theories: A Critique of Suppe’s Criticisms”, Studies in History and Philosophy of Science 44 (2013): 600-607.
  • “Los aspectos erotéticos de la ciencia: el caso de la genética” (“Erotetic Aspects of Science: The Case of Genetics”) (in Spanish), Revista de Filosofia. Aurora 25(36) (2013): 13-41.
  • “Aspectos erotéticos del “hibridismo” de Mendel” (“Erotetic Aspects of Mendel’s “Hybridism””) (in Spanish), Contrastes. Revista Internacional de Filosofía: Suplemento 18 (2013): 451-468.
  • “The Emergence of a Research Programme in Genetics”, in Lorenzano, P., Martins, L.A.-C.P. and A.C. Regner (eds.), History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences in the South Cone, London: College Publications, 2013, pp. 145-171.
  • “Who Got What Wrong? Sober and F&PP on Darwin: Guiding Principles and Explanatory Models in Natural Selection” (written with José A. Díez), Erkenntnis 78(5) (2013): 1143-1175.
  • “Introducción” (”Introduction”) (in Spanish) (written with José A. Díez and José L. Falguera), Ágora 31(2) (2012): 7-11.
  • “Base empírica local, base empírica global y aserción empírica de una teoría” (“Local Empirical Basis, Global Empirical Basis and the Empirical Claim of a Theory”) (in Spanish), Ágora 31(2) (2012): 71-107.
  • “Reconstrucción estructuralista de la teoría del movimiento circular de la sangre, de William Harvey” (“Structuralist Reconstruction of Harvey’s Theory of Circular Movement of the Blood”) (in Spanish) (written with Joaquín Barutta), Scientiae Studia. Revista Latino-Americana de Filosofía e História da Ciência 10(2) (2012): 217-239.
  • “Modelos, ejemplares, representaciones y leyes en la genética clásica” (“Models, Exemplars, Representations and Laws in Classical Genetics”) (in Spanish), Stoa 3(1) (2012): 137-157.
  • “Introducción” (“Introduction”) (in Spanish) (written with Adolfo García de la Sienra), Stoa 3(1) (2012): 1-12.
  • “La emergencia de un programa de investigación en genética” (“The Emergence of a Research Programme in Genetics”) (in Spanish), in Lorenzano, P., Martins, L.A.-C.P. and A.C. Regner (eds.), Ciencias de la vida: estudios filosóficos e históricos (Life Sciences: Philosophical and Historial Studies) (in Spanish and Portuguese), Second edition, London: College Publications, 2012, pp. 155-180.
  • “La genética y sus problemas” (“Genetics and its Problems”) (in Spanish), in Diéguez, A., Claramonte, V., Alcolea, J., Caponi, G., Etxeberría, A., Lorenzano, P., Marcos, A., Martínez Contreras, J. and A. Rosas (eds.), Actas del I Congreso de la Asociación Iberoamericana de Filosofía de la Biología (Proceedings of the Ist Congress of the Ibero American Association of Philosophy of Biology), Valencia: Publicacions de la Universitat de València, 2012, pp. 510-519.
  • “Introducción” (“Introduction”) (in Spanish) (written with O. Nudler), in Lorenzano, P. and O. Nudler (eds.), El camino desde Kuhn. La incommensurabilidad hoy (The Road since Kuhn. Incommensurability Today), Madrid: Editorial Biblioteca Nueva/Siglo XXI, 2012, pp. 9-25.
  • “Estructuras y aplicaciones intencionales: inconmensurabilidad teórica y comparabilidad empírica en la historia de la genética clásica” (“Structures and Intended Applications: Theory Incommensurability and Empirical Comparability in the History of Classical Genetics”) (in Spanish), in Lorenzano, P. and O. Nudler (eds.), El camino desde Kuhn. La incommensurabilidad hoy (The Road since Kuhn. Incommensurability Today), Madrid: Editorial Biblioteca Nueva/Siglo XXI, 2012, pp. 289-350.
  • “Kenneth Schaffner, las teorías de alcance intermedio y la concepción estructuralista de las teorías” (“Kenneth Schaffner, Middle-Range Theories and the Structuralist View of Theories”) (in Spanish), in Peris-Viñé, L.M. (ed.), Filosofía de la Ciencia en Iberoamérica: Metateoría estructural (Philosophy of Science in Iberoamerica: Structural Metatheory), Madrid: Tecnos, 2012, pp. 318-346.
  • “Reply to Mario Casanueva’s comments to “Kenneth Schaffner, las teorías de alcance intermedio y la concepción estructuralista de las teorías”” (“Kenneth Schaffner, Middle-Range Theories and the Structuralist View of Theories”) (in Spanish), in Peris-Viñé, L.M. (ed.), Filosofía de la Ciencia en Iberoamérica: Metateoría estructural (Philosophy of Science in Iberoamerica: Structural Metatheory), Madrid: Tecnos, 2012, p. 356.
  • “Comments to Andoni Ibarra’s “La interpretación estructuralista del ‘Statement View’”” (“The Structuralist Interpretation of the ‘Statement View’“) (in Spanish), in Peris-Viñé, L.M. (ed.), Filosofía de la Ciencia en Iberoamérica: Metateoría estructural (Philosophy of Science in Iberoamerica: Structural Metatheory), Madrid: Tecnos, 2012, pp. 504-512.
  • “Comments to Mario Casanueva and Diego Méndez’s “Los grafos (redes) representacionales y sus posibles dinámicas”” (“Representational Graphs (Nets) and Their Possible Dynamics”) (in Spanish), in Peris-Viñé, L.M. (ed.), Filosofía de la Ciencia en Iberoamérica: Metateoría estructural (Philosophy of Science in Iberoamerica: Structural Metatheory), Madrid: Tecnos, 2012, pp. 100-112.
  • “Introducción”/”Introduction”/”Introdução” (written with José A. Díez and José L. Falguera), Metatheoria. Revista de Filosofía e Historia de la Ciencia/Journal of Philosophy and History of Science/Revista de Filosofia e Historia da Ciência 1(2) (2011): 1-7.
  • “La teorización filosófica sobre la ciencia en el siglo XX (y lo que va del XXI)” (“The Philosophical Theoretization on Science in the 20th Century (and in the Ongoing 21st Century”) (in Spanish), Discusiones filosóficas 12(19)(2011): 131-154.
  • “Racionalidad, leyes fundamentales y leyes de la biología” (“Rationality, Fundamental Laws and Laws of Biology”) (in Spanish), in Pérez Ransanz, A.R. and A. Velasco (eds.), Racionalidad en ciencia y tecnología. Nuevas perspectivas iberoamericanas, México: UNAM, 2011, pp. 313-326.
  • “What Would Have Happened if Darwin Had Known Mendel (or Mendel’s Work)?”, History and Philosophy of the Life Sciences 33 (2011): 3-48.
  • “Presentación” (“Presentation”) (in Spanish) (written with Eulalia Pérez Sedeño), Árbor 187 (747) (2011): 1-4.
  • “La filosofía de la ciencia y el lenguaje: relaciones cambiantes, alcances y límites” (“Philosophy of Science and Language: Changing Relationships, Scopes and Limits”) (in Spanish), Árbor 187 (747) (2011): 69-80.
  • “Leis e teorias em biologia” (“Laws and Theories in Biology”) (in Portuguese), in Abrantes, P.C. (ed.), Filosofia da Biologia, Porto Alegre: Artmed, 2011, pp. 53-82.
  • “Dificultades para la introducción de la ‘familia semanticista’ en la didáctica de las ciencias naturales” (“Difficulties for the Introduction of the ‘Semanticist Family’ in the Didactics of Natural Sciences”) (in Spanish) (written with Yefrin Ariza and Agustín Adúriz-Bravo), Revista Latinoamericana de Estudios Educativos 6(1) (2010): 59-74.
  • “¿Qué habría ocurrido en caso de que Darwin hubiera conocido (l)a (obra de) Mendel?” (“What Would Have Happened in the Case that Darwin Had Known (the Work of) Mendel”?) (in Spanish), Labastida, J. y V. Aréchiga-Córdova (coords.), Identidad y diferencia. Tomo III, La filosofía y la ciencia, § Evolucionismo, México: Siglo XXI Editores, 2010, pp. 409-431.
  • “Logic and Methodology of Science: An Introduction to the Philosophy of Science”, in Lorenzano, P., Rheinberger, H.-J., Ortiz, E. and C. Galles (eds.), History and Philosophy of Science and Technology, Vol. 1, Oxford: EOLSS Publishers Co. Ltd., 2010, pp. 1-50.
  • “El cartesiómetro: una propuesta de aplicación consistente de las leyes del movimiento de Descartes” (“The Cartesiometer: A Proposal of A Consistent Application of Descartes’ Laws of Movement”) (in Spanish) (written with Daniel Blanco, Christián Carman, Ana Donolo, Lucía Federico, Santiago Ginnobili, Mariano Lastiri, Mercedes O’Lery and M. Eugenia Onaha), in Martins, R.A., Lewowicz, L., Ferreira, J.M.H., Silva, C.C. and L.A.-C.P. Martins (eds.), Filosofia e história da ciência no Cone Sul. Seleção de trabalhos do 6º Encontro, Campinas: Associação de Filosofia e História da Ciência do Cone Sul (AFHIC), 2010, pp. 493-504.
  • “Las teorías de alcance intermedio de Robert K. Merton y las concepciones clásica y estructuralista de las teorías” (“Robert K. Merton’s Middle-Range Theories, the Received-View and the Structuralist View of Theories”) (in Spanish) (written with Cláudio de Abreu Júnior), in Martins, R.A., Lewowicz, L., Ferreira, J.M.H., Silva, C.C. and L.A.-C.P. Martins (eds.), Filosofia e história da ciência no Cone Sul. Seleção de trabalhos do 6º Encontro, Campinas: Associação de Filosofia e História da Ciência do Cone Sul (AFHIC), 2010, pp. 482-492.
  • “Un análisis epistemológico del ‘segundo secreto de la vida’: la rama alostérica de la red de la teoría enzimática” (“An Epistemological Analysis of the ‘Second Secret of Life’: the Alosteric Branch of the Theory-Net of Enzimatic Theory”) (in Spanish) (written with Lucía Federico), in Martins, R.A., Lewowicz, L., Ferreira, J.M.H., Silva, C.C. and L.A.-C.P. Martins (eds.), Filosofia e história da ciência no Cone Sul. Seleção de trabalhos do 6º Encontro, Campinas: Associação de Filosofia e História da Ciência do Cone Sul (AFHIC), 2010, pp. 330-339.
  • “Cartesiómetro o de cómo aplicar la mecánica cartesiana” (“The Cartesiometer or How to Apply Cartesian Mechanics”) (in Spanish) (written with Daniel Blanco, Christián Carman, Ana Donolo, Lucía Federico, Santiago Ginnobili, Mariano Lastiri, Mercedes O’ Lery and M. Eugenia Onaha), Epistemología e Historia de la Ciencia, vol. 14, nº 14 (2008): 303-309.
  • “Mendel, Darwin y la evolución” (“Mendel, Darwin and Evolution”) (in Spanish), Epistemología e Historia de la Ciencia, vol. 14, nº 14 (2008): 282-290.
  • “¿El redescubrimiento o la reinterpretación del trabajo de Mendel?” (“Rediscovery or Reinterpretation of Mendel’s Work?”) (in Spanish), in Curtis, H., Barnes, S., Schnek, A. and A. Massarini, Biología (Biology), 7th edition, Buenos Aires: Editorial Médica Panamericana, 2008, p. 154.
  • “Principios, modelos, ejemplares y representaciones en la genética clásica” (“Principles, Models, Exemplars and Representations in Classical Genetics”) (in Spanish), in Lorenzano, P. and H. Miguel (eds.), Filosofía e Historia de la Ciencia en el Cono Sur, Volumen II (Philosophy and History of Science in the South Cone, Volume II), Buenos Aires: C.C.C. Educando, 2008, pp. 315-328.
  • “Lo a priori constitutivo y las leyes (y teorías) científicas” (“Constitutive A Priori in Science and Scientific Laws (and Theories)”) (in Spanish), Revista de Filosofía 33(2) (2008): 21-48.
  • “Bas van Fraassen y la ley de Hardy-Weinberg: una discusión y desarrollo de su diagnóstico” (“Bas van Fraassen and Hardy-Weinberg Law: A Discussion and Development of His Diagnostic”) (in Spanish), Principia 12(2) (2008): 121-154.
  • “Inconmensurabilidad teórica y comparabilidad empírica” (“Theory Incommensurability and Empirical Comparability”) (in Spanish), Análisis Filosófico 28(2) (2008): 239-279.
  •  “Leyes fundamentales y leyes de la biología” (“Fundamental Laws and Laws of Biology”) (in Spanish), Scientiae Studia. Revista Latino-Americana de Filosofía e História da Ciência 5(2) (2007): 185-214.
  • “La teoría de la bioquímica metabólica y sus aplicaciones propuestas” (“Metabolic Biochemistry and Its Intended Applications”) (in Spanish) (written with Ana Donolo and Lucía Federico), in Martins, L.A.-C.P., Prestes, M.E.B., Stefano, W. and R.A. Martins (eds.), Filosofia e história da biologia 2 (Philosophy and History of Biology 2), São Paulo: Fundo Mackenzie de Pesquisa (MackPesquisa), 2007, pp. 39-59.
  • “Filosofía diacrónica de la ciencia: el caso de la genética clásica” (“Diachronic Philosophy of Science: the Case of Classical Genetics”) (in Spanish), in Martins, L.A.-C.P., Lend, M.E.B., Stefano, W. and R.A. Martins (eds.), Filosofia e história da biologia 2, São Paulo: Fundo Mackenzie de Pesquisa (MackPesquisa), 2007, pp. 369-392.
  • “¿Son a priori las leyes de la biología?” (“Are the Laws of Biology A Priori?”) (in Spanish), Epistemología e Historia de la Ciencia, vol. 13 (2007): 302-308.
  • “La mecánica de René Descartes” (“René Descartes’ Mechanics”) (in Spanish) (written with Daniel Blanco, Christián Carman, Ana Donolo, Lucía Federico, Santiago Ginnobili, Mariano Lastiri, Mercedes O’ Lery and M. Eugenia Onaha), Epistemología e Historia de la Ciencia, vol. 13 (2007): 309-316.
  • “Exemplars, Models and Laws in Classical Genetics”, in Falguera, J.L., Martínez, M.C. and J.M. Sagüillo (eds), Current Topics of Logic and Analytic Philosophy, Santiago de Compostela: University of Santiago de Compostela, 2007, pp. 89-102.
  • “Logic and Methodology of Science: An Introduction to the Philosophy of Science”, in Lorenzano, P., Galles, C., Rheinberger, H.-J. and E. Ortiz (eds.), History and Philosophy of Science and the Technology, in Encyclopedia of Life Support Systems (EOLSS), Developed under the Auspices of the UNESCO, Eolss Publishers, Oxford, UK [], 2007.
  • “The Influence of Genetics on Philosophy of Science: Classical Genetics and the Structuralist View of Theories”, in Fagot-Largeault, A., Torres, J.M. and S. Rahman (eds.), The Influence of Genetics on Contemporary Thinking, Dordrecht: Springer, 2007, pp. 99-115.
  • “Fundamental Laws and Laws of Biology”, in Ernst, G. and K.-G. Niebergall (eds.), Philosophie der Wissenschaft – Wissenschaft der Philosophie. Festschrift für C.Ulises Moulines zum 60. Geburstag, Paderborn (Germany): Mentis-Verlag, 2006, pp. 129-155.
  • “La emergencia de un programa de investigación en genética” (“The Emergence of A Research Programme in Genetics”) (in Spanish), in Lorenzano, P., Martins, L.A.-C.P. and A.C. Regner (eds.), Ciências da vida: estudos filosóficos e históricos (Life Sciences: Philosophical and Historical Studies), Filosofia e História da Ciência no Cone Sul, volume 2, Campinas: Associação de Filosofia e História da Ciência do Cone Sul (AFHIC), 2006, pp. 333-360.
  • “Nuevo intento de reconstrucción estructuralista de la bioquímica” (“A New Attempt to a Structuralist Reconstruction of Biochemistry” (in Spanish) (written with Ana Donolo and Lucía Federico), Epistemología e Historia de la Ciencia, vol. 12, nº 12 (2006): 218-226.
  •  “Comentarios a ‘Explicación teórica y compromisos ontológicos: un modelo estructuralista’ de C.U. Moulines” (“Comments to ‘Theoretical Explanation and Ontologic Commitments: a Structuralist Model‘ by C.U. Moulines”) (in Spanish), Enrahonar: quaderns de filosofia 37 (2005): 55-59.
  • “Ejemplares, modelos y principios en la genética clásica” (“Exemplars, Models and Principles in Classical Genetics”) (in Spanish), Scientiae Studia. Revista Latino-Americana de Filosofía e História da Ciência, 3(2) (2005): 185-203.
  • “An Analysis of the Work of Joseph Gottlieb Kölreuter and its Relation to Gregor Mendel’s Work”, in Saldaña, J.J. (ed.), Science and Cultural Diversity, Mexico: Autonomous National University of Mexican Mexico/Sociedad of History of Science and of the Technology, 2005, pp. 1147-1158.
  • “¿Debe ser excluida la concepción estructuralista de las teorías de la familia semanticista?: Una crítica a la posición de Frederick Suppe” (“Should the Structuralist View be excluded From the Semanticist Family?: A Critique to Frederick Suppe’s Position”) (in Spanish), Epistemología e Historia de la Ciencia, vol. 9, nº 9 (2003): 282-290.
  • “Foreword” to Leticia O. Minhot’s book, La mirada psicioanalítica. Un análisis kuhniano del psicoanálisis de Freud (The Psychoanalytic View. A Kuhnian Analysis of Freud’s Psychoanalysis) (in Spanish), Córdoba: Editorial Brujas, 2003, pp. 11-24.
  • Presentation and Translation from German into Spanish of: Ernst Mach-Verein, “Wissenschaftliche Weltauffassung: der Wiener Kreis”, Redes. Revista de Estudios sobre la Ciencia y la Tecnología 18 (2002): 103-149.
  • “Max Wichura, Gregor Mendel y los híbridos de sauce” (“Max Wichura, Gregor Mendel and the Willow Hybrids”) (in Spanish), Epistemología e Historia de la Ciencia, vol. 8, nº 8 (2002): 210-217.
  • “Leyes fundamentales, refinamientos y especializaciones: del ‘mendelismo’ a la ‘teoría del gen’” (“Fundamental Laws, Refinements and Specializations: From ‘Mendelism’ to ‘Gene Theory’“) (in Spanish), in Lorenzano, P. and F. Tula Molina (eds.), Filosofía e Historia de la Ciencia en el Cono Sur (Philosophy and History of Science in the South Cone), Quilmes: National University of Quilmes, 2002, pp. 379-396.
  • “La concepción estructuralista en el contexto de la filosofía de la ciencia del siglo XX” (“The Structuralist View in the Context of the Philosophy of Science of the XX Century”) (in Spanish) (written with José A. Díez), in Díez, J.A. and P. Lorenzano (eds.), Desarrollos actuales de la metateoría estructuralista: problemas y discusiones (Current Developments of the Structuralist Metatheory: Problems and Discussions), Quilmes: National University of Autonomous Quilmes/University of Zacatecas/University Rovira i Virgili, 2002, pp. 13-78.
  • “La teoría del gen y la red teórica de la genética” (“Gene Theory and the Theory-Net of Genetics”) (in Spanish), in Díez, J.A. and P. Lorenzano (eds.), Desarrollos actuales de la metateoría estructuralista: problemas y discusiones (Current Developments of the Structuralist Metatheory: Problems and Discussions), Quilmes: National University of Autonomous Quilmes/University of Zacatecas/University Rovira i Virgili, 2002, pp. 285-330.
  • “La teorización filosófica sobre la ciencia en el siglo XX” (“The Philosophical Theoretization on Science in the 20th Century”) (in Spanish), in Pensar la ciencia I, Boletín de la Biblioteca del Congreso de la Nación 121 (2001-2002): 29-43.
  •  “Sobre la unidad de las ciencias biológicas” (“On the Unity of Biological Sciences”) (in Spanish), Signos Filosóficos 5 (2001): 121-132.
  • “On Biological Laws and the Laws of Biological Sciences”, Revista Patagónica de Filosofía 2 (2001): 29-43.
  • “Análisis de la obra de Joseph Gottlieb Kölreuter y su influencia en el trabajo de Gregor Mendel” (“Analysis of Joseph Gottlieb Kölreuter’s Work and Its Influence on Gregor Mendel’s Work”) (in Spanish), Epistemología e Historia de la Ciencia, vol. 7, nº 7 (2001): 289-296.
  • “The Logical Structure of Classical Genetics” (written with Wolfgang Balzer), Zeitschrift für allgemeine Wissenschaftstheorie 31, n° 2 (2000): 243-266.
  • “Classical Genetics and the Theory-Net of Genetics”, in Balzer, W., Moulines, C.U. and J. Sneed (eds.), Structuralist Knowledge Representation: Paradigmatic Examples, Amsterdam: Rodopi, 2000, pp. 251-284.
  • “Carl Correns y el ‘redescubrimiento’ de Mendel” (“Carl Correns and the Mendel’s ‘Rediscovery’”) (in Spanish), Epistemología e Historia de la Ciencia, vol. 5, nº 5 (1999): 265-272.
  • “Acerca del ‘redescubrimiento’ de Mendel por Hugo de Vries” (“On Mendel’s ‘Rediscovery’ by Hugo of Vries”) (in Spanish), Epistemología e Historia de la Ciencia, vol. 4, nº 4 (1998): 219-229.
  • “Sobre las leyes en la biología” (“On Laws in Biology”) (in Spanish), Episteme. Filosofia e História das Ciências em Revista, vol. 3, nº 7 (1998): 261- 272.
  • “Hacia una reconstrucción estructural de la genética clásica y de sus relaciones con el mendelismo” (“Towards a Structural Reconstruction of Classical Genetics and of Its Relationships to Mendelism”) (in Spanish), Episteme. Filosofia e História das Ciências em Revista, vol. 3, nº 5 (1998): 89-117.
  • “Acerca del ‘redescubrimiento’ de Mendel por Hugo de Vries” (“On Mendel’s ‘Rediscovery’ by Hugo of Vries”) (in Spanish), Epistemología e Historia de la Ciencia, vol. 4, nº 4 (1998): 219-229.
  • “Hacia una nueva interpretación de la obra de Mendel” (“Toward a New Interpretation of Mendel’s Work”) (in Spanish), in Ahumada, J. and P. Morey (eds.), Selection of Works Presented at the VII Meeting on Philosophy and History of Science, Córdoba: Faculty of Philosophy and Humanities, National University of Córdoba, 1997, pp. 220-231.
  • “En memoria de Thomas S. Kuhn” (“Thomas S. Kuhn: In Memoriam”) (in Spanish) (written with César Lorenzano), Redes. Revista de Estudios Sociales de la Ciencia 7 (1996): 217-236.

Books in preparation:

  • Lorenzano, P., Introdução a la filosofia contemporânea da ciência (Introduction to Contemporary Philosophy of Science) (in Portuguese), São Paulo: Associação Filosófica Scientiae Studia; and as Introducción contemporánea a la filosofía de la ciencia (in Spanish), México: Instituto de Investigaciones Filosóficas (in preparation).
  • Díez, J. A., Lorenzano, P. and C.U. Moulines, The Structuralist Program: Theories and Beyond (in preparation).


From German into Spanish

  • Carnap, R., Hans, H. u. O. Neurath, Wissenschaftliche Weltauffassung: der Wiener Kreis, Wien: Artur Wolf Verlag, 1929. Published as: “La concepción científica del mundo: El Círculo de Viena”, en Redes. Revista de Estudios sobre la Ciencia y la Tecnología 18 (2002): 103-149, and, slightly modified, in F. Stadler and T.E. Uebel (Eds.), Wissenschaftliche Weltauffassung. Der Wiener Kreis. Hrsg. vom Verein Ernst Mach. (1929). (Reprint of the first edition on behalf of the Institute Vienna Circle on the occasion of its 20th anniversary. With translations into English, French, Spanish and Italian.) Springer: Wien-New York, 2012, pp. 163-205.

From English into Spanish

  • Balzer, W., Moulines, C.U. and J.D. Sneed, An Architectonic for Science. The Structuralist Program, Dordrecht: Reidel, 1987, xxxvii + 431 págs. Published as: Balzer, W., Moulines, C.U. y J.D. Sneed, Una arquitectónica para la ciencia. El programa estructuralista, Bernal: Universidad Nacional de Quilmes, 2012, 500 páginas.

Revision of translations

  • Reisch, G., How the Cold War Transformed Philosophy of Science, Cambridge: Cambridge University Press, 2005, xxiv + 418 págs. Published as: Reisch, G., Cómo la guerra fría transformó la filosofía de la ciencia. Hacia las heladas laderas de la lógica, Bernal: Universidad Nacional de Quilmes, 2009, 480 páginas.
Published at 4 September 2018