Peter Brown

Invited Researcher of DEA Programme Stay in France: from 2th November to 15th December, 2018  

After a dissertation in the History of Art at Yale University in 2004, Peter Brown joined the faculty of the University of North Florida in 2005 as Assistant Professor.  He was an invited scholar in 2017 at the Centre d'études supérieures de la civilisation médiévale de l'Université de Poitiers and is currently Professor of Art History at the University of North Florida.  His research bears on iconography and monumental sculpture in medieval art at the intersection of the problems of space, liturgy, and epigraphy. 

The project 

Title: Amat d’Oloron at Poitiers (1073-1078): Religious Reform and Monumental Architecture in Poitou


history of medieval art, iconography, Romanesque sculpture, epigraphy, art and liturgy.

Selected publications

  • The Riddle of Jael: The History of a Poxied Heroine in Medieval and Renaissance Art and Culture, Brill, Studies on Art, Art History, and Intellectual History. Leiden: Brill, 2018.
  • “Amat d’Oloron à la Sauve Majeure: l’esprit bâtisseur et son guide dans l’architecture religieuse de l’Aquitaine à la fin du XIe siècle.” Les Cahiers de Saint Michel de Cuxa XLIX (2018): 151-165
  • “The Chrismon and the Liturgy of Dedication in Romanesque Sculpture.” Gesta 56, no. 2 (2017): 199-223. 
  • “Authenticity: Interpreting Damage and Restoration in Medieval Sculpture.” The Burlington Magazine 155, no. 1328 (2013): 748-55.
  • “Naamah and Her Sisters: the Fallen Women of the Egerton Genesis.” Nierika: revista de estudios de art 1, no. 2 (2012): 72-85.
  • Tessa Garton and Peter Scott Brown. “From Eve to Mary: Models and Anti-Models of Women in the Middle Ages.” Nierika: revista de estudios de art 1, no. 2 (2012): 8-10.
  • “The Virago and the Prince of Orange in Salomon de Bray’s Jael, Deborah, and Barak: Insights on the Image of the Dutch Republic around 1630.” Southeastern College Art Conference Review, XV, no. 5 (2010): 543-59.
  • “Scoundrels and Scurrilitas at St-Pierre de Sévignac: Contributions to an Iconography of the Other in Romanesque Sculpture.” In Meredith Cohen and Justine Firnhaber-Baker (Eds.), Difference and Identity in Francia and Medieval France, 197-226. Burlington, VT: Ashgate, 2010.
  • “The Verse Inscription from the Deposition Relief at Santo Domingo de Silos: Word, Image, and Act in Medieval Art.” Journal of Medieval Iberian Studies 1, no. 1 (2008): 87-111.
  •  “As Excrement to Sacrament: the Dissimulated Pagan Idol of Sainte-Marie d’Oloron.” The Art Bulletin 87, no. 4 (2005): 570-587.
Published at 8 November 2018