Lina Guo

Invited Researcher of the 2024 DEA Programme | In residence at Maison Suger
Sylvie Guo Lina

Sylvie GUO Lina is Professor of French Literature and Literary Criticism in France at Sun Yat-sen University, Guangzhou, China, and Senior Researcher of the China National Association of Sino-West Exchanges Studies (ANEESO), where she directs a major program of the National Social Science Fund of China. His research and publications focus on Franco-Chinese cultural and scientific transfers (history of French sinology, 19th-20th centuries), the history of ideas (19th-20th centuries), and comparative literature and literary theories (19th-20th centuries). Sylvie Guo Lina was also an invited researcher in the DEA programme in 2017.

Sylvie Guo Lina was an invited researcher of the 2017 DEA Programme

The project

Title: Georges Soulié de Morant and his scientific works on China

"George Soulié de Morant is a remarkable figure in the history of Sino-French communication. As a former doctor in the French Navy, he was appreciated for his scientific works inspired by the medical treatment of China, especially acupuncture, and for his contributions to the circulation of this Eastern technique in the Western world.

My project consists in observing the reception of acupuncture in Europe and its accommodation in the medical regime of the European Union, with the aim of reviewing the exchanges of Western and Eastern medicines from the perspective of global history, precisely, identifying the homogeneous and heterogeneous factors of Western and Eastern philosophical thoughts from the point of view of medical treatment, nourishing reflections and discussions on the well-being of human beings.

Nor does my project neglect the contributions of having constructed a Chinese image both exotic and real in Europe by Soulié de Morant, who, as a sinologist, had spent more than ten years in China and had a rich publication inspired by the classical literature of China, especially in novels, a fictional genre." 

Host institution : EA 4590 - Il Laboratorio, Jean Jaurès university, Toulouse

Selective Bibliography

  • Arnold Vissière et Transcription des sons chinois en lettres latines (avec SANG Rui), Guangzhou : Ed. du Peuple, 2022, 221 p.
  • Voyages and Encounters, Imaginations and Interpretations: The World and China in Modern French Literature, Guangzhou : Ed. du Peuple, 2022, 267 p.
  • Archives de Comité franco-chinois de patronage des jeunes chinois en France (1919-1922), Beijing : Ed. Xueyuan, 2020, 201p.
  • Les poèmes chantables des Song et transposition d’art  dans la traduction de George Soulié de Morant, Rivista da Universidade Politécnica de Macau, 2023(Vol 26), pp. 91-100.
  • A la recherche des émotions fugitives, subtiles et délicates : Acculturation du « CI » en France sous la perspective de la Qiao-yiologie (avec PENG Yuping), Monde Chinois/nouvelle Asie, 2022(66-67), pp. 51-68.
  • Langue française, Education et Industries : Ecole Pichon à Guangzhou de 1898 à 1907, Rivista da Universidade Politécnica de Macau, 2022(Vol 25), pp. 71-82.
  • Protection de culture locale et diffusion globale des savoirs : Nazareth à Hongkong de 1894 à 1954, Industrie de publication moderne et diffusion de nouveaux savoirs, Beijing : Ed. Zhonghua, 2023, pp. 115-132.


Repenser le roman

Rethinking the novel from the perspective of Modernity

28 & 29 June | Workshop led by Risa Matsuo (Waseda University, Japan) and Lina Guo (Sun Yat-sen University, China)
Chercheurs invités 2024 du programme DEA

Associate Research Directors - 2024 invited researchers

Discover the invited researchers of the "Associate Research Directors" mobility programme
Published at 1 September 2017