"Interventions" collection

Books at the heart of current events to advance public debate
Collection Interventions
Collection Interventions

The production of scientific material can help shed light on issues of concern to our fellow citizens, guiding them and satisfying their curiosity and intellectual expectations. This is particularly true in the humanities and social sciences.
The “Interventions” collection offers sophisticated works based on rigorous science and thoroughly tested knowledge. Written in an accessible language, the aim of these books is not merely to popularize their subject matter, but to advance public discourse.

“Interventions” is a collection intended for all readers who seek to make use of rigorous academic knowledge to strengthen or challenge their convictions, and thus participate in debates relevant to today’s world.


Les expulsés, sujets politiques

Les expulsés, sujets politiques

To be published in September in the "Interventions" collection by Éditions de la MSH
Les parutions des Éditions de la MSH - janvier-juin 2023

Publications by the Éditions de la Maison des sciences de l'homme

Catalog January-October 2023

Sur les fronts de la paix

Book of Séverine Autesserre
Faire avec l'âge

Faire avec l'âge

To be published on may 25, 2023 in the "Interventions" collection of Éditions de la MSH
See all project activities
Published at 4 September 2023