The Comptoir programme

Explore the Comptoir's calendar of events for April, May and June 2024
Programme des événements du Comptoir - avril, mai, juin 2024

Located on the first floor of the Foundation, Le Comptoir is a place dedicated to the promotion and dissemination of humanities and social sciences that combines the sale of books and journals with an original scientific and cultural programme.

Alongside the sales area, the forum of Le Comptoir hosts numerous scientific encounters aimed at a wide audience.

Presentation of books, conferences, workshop, exhibitions, the forum offers visitors privileged appointments with the world of humanities and social sciences.

Explore the Comptoir's calendar of events for April, May and June 2024:

Éditer la recherche en sciences humaines et sociales

Publishing research in the humanities and social sciences

Books presentation | April 25, 2024
Affiche 30 ans IFEAC

30 years of IFEAC: three decades of research in Central Asia

26 April | IFEAC celebrates 30 years in Paris
lire et relire rabelais

"Lire et relire Rabelais !"

24 April | A meeting organized by Ent'revues
chercheurs en exil

Mário Soares: the exile of a pro-European democrat

23 April | A conference to mark the 50th anniversary of 25 April
Writing on the Market Square in Vaasa 2022
Round table
Arts & cultures

Le « devenir inachevé » de l’« écriture transitoire »

15 April | Round table organised as part of the "Arts & SHS" programme
bannière_le fantastique au risque de l'humour

Le fantastique au risque de l'humour

2 April | Conversation "In the intimacy of research"
Banniere sexe et democratie

Sex and democracy. The challenge of consent

30 May | International conference
Questiosn féministes

Féminisme aux risques du sport

30 May | Livres en dialogue - presentation of the book
bannière perreau

L’universalisme des droits en débat

29 May | Conversation « In the intimacy of research »
Hémicycle européen

Vingt ans après l’élargissement de 2004. L’état des libertés en Europe centrale et orientale

May 23 | Conference-debate
chercheurs en exil

Exile and anti-colonial solidarity

21 May | A conference on the anti-colonial exile of Mário Pinto de Andrade and all the exiles who fought for the freedom of the African peoples
Le jardin et la musique

Intenses paysages

15 May | Meeting of the Institut Européen des Jardins & Paysages
La loi de 1905

La loi de 1905 n'aura pas lieu. Tome III

2 May | Livres en dialogue - Presentation of the book

Morphologie, neurogéométrie, sémiotique

19 June | Presentation of the book
chercheurs en exil

Hannah Arendt, an exiled intellectual in desexile in the 20th century

18 June | A conference on the life of Hannah Arendt and her work on global exile
bannière w.benjamin

Walter Benjamin et la modernité

28 september | Conversation "In the intimacy of research"
Nuit Blanche 2024

White and Black Night

On Saturday 1 June, the FMSH is opening the doors of its Comptoir for the Parisian Nuit Blanche.
Practical information

Opening hours: Tuesday to Friday: 1pm-7pm


Address: 54 boulevard Raspail, Paris 6e


Contact & Info: Mail: - Facebook : @le.comptoir.fmsh



Published at 16 April 2024