Atlas: Italy > France

Call for Applications | Postdoctoral research fellowship
Appel à candidatures | Atlas | Italie > France
Ongoing call
Deadline for application
Appel à candidatures | Atlas | Italie > France

The Fondation Maison des sciences de l'homme (FMSH) and the Fondazione Luigi Einaudi onlus di Torino (FLET), offer a 2 or 3 month mobility grant for a stay in France to young confirmed researchers of Italian nationality who have defended their thesis from 2019.

These mobility grants are intended to carry out research work in France: fieldwork, work in libraries and archives, participation in seminars.

This call is part of the Atlas programme for short-term postdoctoral mobility launched by the FMSH and its partners.

Financial terms and conditions

A financial aid of 1 700€ per month is given to the laureates. It is intended to cover transportation and living expenses. In addition, the FMSH and the FLET provide scientific and logistical support (help in finding housing, letters for libraries, etc.).

Eligibility criteria

to be eligible to apply, researchers must be Italian nationals and be affiliated with a private or public higher education research institution/institute in Italy;

candidates must hold a doctorate. The thesis must have been defended no earlier than 2019.

candidates must be engaged in research in the humanities and social sciences in one of the following disciplines: economics, history, geography, law, philosophy, political science, sociology and anthropology.

Host institution:
candidates must find a French research institution that will host them during their stay in France. When applying, candidates must provide a letter of invitation signed by the host institution and addressed to the FMSH in which the host institution explains the reasons for the invitation as well as the working conditions made available.

A list of the main research centers in France is available at the following link.

Obligations of the researcher

At the end of his/her stay, the researcher must submit to the FMSH and the FLET a report of between 10,000 and 20,000 characters maximum (including spaces and notes) presenting the activities carried out during his/her stay and their contribution to his/her research project.

Application form

Applicants must submit a form and a scientific file (research project + annexes) on an online platform. The online platform will be accessible from 20 January 2025. The complete applications must be uploaded on the online platform no later than March 31, 2025, 17:00 (Paris time).

The application form and the scientific file must be submitted in French.

Content of the scientific file

The research project:

The research project consists of a report between 10,000 and 20,000 characters (including spaces and footnotes) that must include the following:

  1. The objective of the research project, the specific issues to be addressed, the state of the art, the type of data to be collected, the methodology, and the expected results.
  2. A detailed work plan outlining the activities to be carried out during the stay, including the places and institutions to be visited, the contacts to be made, the type of data to be collected, and the work schedule (this work schedule must be well-detailed and proportional to the duration of the stay in France).
  3. A clear explanation of the reasons for choosing the host institution in France, and particularly how this institution will help the candidate enrich their project. The selection committee must be convinced that this choice is solid and well-founded.
  4. A relevant bibliography in relation to the proposed project.

Applications that do not meet the above criteria will not be submitted to the selection committee.


  • A CV of maximum 2 pages
  • A list of publications
  • A copy of the thesis diploma
  • A letter from the director of the institution in the country of origin
  • A letter of invitation from the director of the host institution in France explaining the reasons for the invitation and the working conditions provided

How to apply?

  1. Go to and enter the Researcher Workspace
  2. Log in if you have already created an account, if not, create an account
  3. Fill in your profile and click on "create a new application"
  4. Select "Atlas incoming 2025 program" then the specific call "FMSH-FLET: Italy > France"
  5. Fill in all the tabs of the form
  6. In the "Documents" tab, upload a single electronic document in pdf format containing the following documents
    • A research project
    • A CV of maximum 2 pages
    • A list of publications
    • A copy of the thesis diploma
    • A letter from the director of the institution in the country of origin
    • A letter of invitation from the director of the host research institution in France
  7. You can save your application without submitting it and come back to it later, or you can submit it permanently. Once you have submitted your application, you will receive an automatic confirmation email. Please note that if your application is not submitted it will not be considered. Applications that are incomplete or do not match the description above will not be considered.

For any information on the platform, or in case of difficulty in using it, contact

Selection criteria and process

A selection committee composed of members of the FMSH, the FLET and external experts will analyze and select the applications based on the following elements

  • The quality of the scientific file and the methodology developed
  • The relevance of coming to France with respect to the project developed and the researcher's background
  • The ability to identify scientific contacts on site

Preference will be given to researchers who have never received other support from the two Foundations.

More information