Healthy urbanism: an evaluation of the concept of dwelling in the context of a poor neighbourhood in Kingston, Jamaica

2:30 pm
4:30 pm
Rues Mexicaines

Seminar of the Groupe de recherche « Mondes caraïbes et transatlantiques en mouvement » (MCTM) Martinique-Paris, la Fondation Maison des Sciences de l’Homme (FMSH-Paris) et le Laboratoire Caribéen de Sciences Sociales (LC2S-CNRS, Martinique).

The seminar will discuss the author's decade-long ethnographic research in Kingston, Jamaica, focusing in particular on the inner-city neighbourhood of Rose Town. The theme of 'healthy cities' has emerged in recent years as a key component of sustainable urbanism, with access to basic services (clean water, housing, electricity) considered a basic right for citizens. These are not always evident, and the discussion will analyse the relevance and controversies surrounding Heidegger's concept of 'dwelling' or 'bauen' in terms of the experiences of residents in urban Jamaica.


Dr David Howard, Associate Professor in Sustainable Urban Development.
Director of Studies, Sustainable Urban Development Programme, University of Oxford.
Co-Director, Global Centre on Healthcare and Urbanisation, Kellogg College, Oxford@sustainable_urb


Oméya DESMAZES (PhD student LC2S) and Morgane LE GUYADER (Post-doctoral student LC2S)

Formule hybride


Published at 8 December 2022