Dire le silence

Conversation "In the intimacy of research"
6:00 pm
8:00 pm
Dire le silence

"In the intimacy of research" invites you to a conversation about the mafia and the night of politics, based on the book La nuit de la parole. Écouter le silence by Déborah Puccio-Den .

This discussion will be accompanied by a reading of excerpts from Mi chiamo Antonino Calderone/Je m'appelle Antonino Calderone by Dacia Maraini.


More informations about the event (FR)


Deborah Puccio-Den, author
Anthropologist, CNRS research director, EHESS-LAP.

Pedro Vianna, reciter
Poet, playwright and translator, with numerous collections of poetry to his credit

Sylvain Allemand, journalist
Journalist, publisher and general secretary of l'association des Amis de Pontigny-Cerisy

The books

La nuit de la parole. Écouter le silence de Déborah Puccio-Den

La nuit de la parole_intimité de la recherche_dire le silence
© Publications de la Société d'ethnologie, Nanterre

Mi chiamo Antonino Calderone. Je m'appelle Antonino Calderone de Dacia Maraini

Je m'appelle antonino Calderone_intimité de la recherche_dire le silence
© Presses universitaires Savoie Mont Blanc
Published at 8 January 2024