Decolonial Thought Confronting the Neoliberal University and Epistemological Extractivism

Experiences in Latin America
2:00 pm
7:00 pm
© Morgane Le Guyader

In the majority of Latin American countries, authoritarian regimes and neoliberal strategies of extractivism and exploitation have their historical and contemporary roots in the persistence and deepening of the colonial system of domination. This colonialism persists despite the formal processes of independence in the 19th century and has created elites with excessively hierarchical power structures and governmental strategies of social control that further amplify poverty gaps, inequalities, and mechanisms of oppression and subordination.

Colonial ideology continues to emphasize in various ways the fundamental project of "mission and conversion" carried out in the 16th century: reducing the Other to the terms of European identity, dismantling and depoliticizing any form of alterity. To achieve this, neocolonialism today introduces more subtle and perhaps even more effective logics than in the past. The neoliberal approach to diversity, for example, is characterized by an almost theatrical display of it. Indeed, diversity here appears only as a multicultural decoration, as the object of conditional inclusion in a merely apparent democratic system. As denounced by Silvia Rivera Cusicanqui, colonial populism is manifested through a "paternalistic and pitying gesture towards what is indigenous, black, and feminine, deeply despising the indigenous who interprets and believes they know."

Therefore, in the Latin American context, an effective counter-strategy requires, above all, confronting the barriers of colonial ideology.

Programa (spanish)

Introducción por Esteban Gonzalez, Lina Álvarez y Morgane Le Guyader

Ana Milena Muelas et Leider Esteban Arandas (Estudiantes de la Universidad Misak)

  • Multiculturalismo y extractivismo, mercantilización del saber y acumulación del capital

Amelia Archibold Humphries (Historiadora y activista raizal, Universidad nacional, Sede Caribe, San Andrés Isla)

  • Multiculturalismo y extractivismo


Sol Ángel Murillo (Estudiante de la Maestría en Ciencia política de la Universidad de Los Andes, miembra del Proceso de Comunidades Negras de Colombia)

  • Mercantilización del saber y acumulación del capital

Jeymmi Alejandra Izquierdo (Doctoranda en Estudios interdisciplinarios sobre el desarrollo, Universidad de Los Andes)

  • Pensar el multiculturalismo y la producción del saber fuera de las lógicas extractivistas


  • Conclusiones, mesa redonda (con la participación de Jean-Christophe Goddard, Christine Chivallon y Claude Rougier)

Programme (french)

Introduction par Esteban Gonzalez, Lina Álvarez et Morgane Le Guyader


Ana Milena Muelas et Leider Esteban Arandas (Étudiant.e.s de la Universidad Misak)

  • Multiculturalisme et extractivisme, marchandisation du savoir et accumulation du capital.

Amelia Archibold Humphries (Historienne et activiste raizal, Universidad nacional, Sede Caribe, Île de San Andres)

  • Multiculturalisme et extractivisme


Sol Ángel Murillo (Étudiante de la Maestría de Science politique de l’Universidad de Los Andes, membre du Proceso de Comunidades Negras de Colombia)

  • Marchandisation du savoir et accumulation du capital

Jeymmi Alejandra Izquierdo (Doctorante en études interdisciplinaires sur le développement, Universidad de Los Andes)

  • Penser le multiculturalisme et la production du savoir en dehors des logiques extractivistes


  • Conclusions, table ronde (avec la participation de Jean-Christophe Goddard, Christine Chivallon et de Claude Rougier)
Published at 26 September 2023