Yvon Le Bot

Co-Holder for the Global Destinies of Latin America Chair [2012-2018]

Yvon Le Bot is a sociologist, emeritus director of research at CNRS and member of the Centre for Sociological Analysis and Intervention (CADIS, EHESS). He is also an associate of the FMSH College of World Studies and has held a European Commission Marie Curie Chair. He has taught at several universities in Latin America, the University of California, Berkeley, Louvain-la-Neuve Catholic University, Belgium and La Sapienza University, Rome, and has carried out several missions on behalf of the United Nations.

His research focuses on social movements, cultural movements, violence and breaking away from violence and identity & democracy, especially in Latin America. His principal works are: La grande révolte indienne (The Great Indian Revolt); Indiens: Chiapas-Mexico-Californie (Indians: Chiapas-Mexico-California); Le Rêve zapatiste (The Zapatista Dream), with sub-commandant Marcos; Violence de la modernité en Amérique latine (The Violence of Modernity in Latin America); La Guerre en terre maya (War in Mayan Territory).

As a scientific curator, he has organised exhibitions in Paris (Parc de la Villette) and Mexico.

 He was a consultant for the United Nations (peace process in Guatamala and in Haiti, human rights). He was in charge of Latin America at the International Secretariat (London) of Amnesty International the year when the organisation won the Nobel Peace Prize (1977).

  • Scientific coordinator for the “Sortir de la violence” [Leaving Violence] project 2017-2020 (Agence nationale de la recherche, Fondation Maison des Sciences de l’Homme).
  • Scientific coordinator of the “Violences extrêmes: comment en sortir? Ce que nous enseigne l’Amérique latine” [Extreme Violence: how to get out of it? What we can learn from Latin America], 2016 (CNRS, CADIS)                                                                 

Social movements and cultural movements, violence and leaving violence, identities and democracy, in Latin America and in the globalised world.









Closed project

Global Destinies of Latin America

- Closed project -



Sortir de la violence

Colloque international | 30 novembre-1er décembre

International Panel on Exiting Violence Final Report Presentation


International Panel on Exiting Violence Final Report Presentation

Study day

Reporté | Populismes, de l’Amérique latine à l’Europe

See all researcher activities
Published at 16 December 2016