Sabrina Zajak

Invited Researcher of DEA Programme Stay in France: from September 9th to September 22th and from November 1st to November 15th, 2019

Sabrina Zajak is professor for “globalization conflicts, social movements and labor” at the Ruhr-University Bochum, Institute for Social Movements. Currently she leads the department Consent and Conflict at the German Center for Integration and Migration Research (DeZIM). She is a founding member of the Institute for Protest ad Social Movement Research in Berlin, and the vice president of the Research Network Social Classes and Social Movements (RC47) at the International Sociology Association.

The project 

Title: Social movements and everyday politics

Keywords: Social movements, protest, political conflict, prefiguration, migration

Selected publications

  • Zajak, S and Haunss S (eds) (2019): Social stratification and social movements. Theoretical and empirical perspectives on an ambivalent relationship. Routledge
  •  Merk, J. und Zajak, S. 2019. Workers’ Participation and Transnational Social Movement Interventions at the Shop Floor: The Urgent Appeal System of the Clean Clothes Campaign. In: in: Stefan Berger et al. (Eds) The Palgrave Handbook of Workers’ Participation at Plant Level, Publisher: Palgrave Macmillan
  • Zajak, S und Rehder, Britta (Eds.) (2018).Soziale Bewegungen und industrielle Beziehungen- Sonderausgabe in industrielle Beziehungen, issue 2/2018.
  •  Zajak, S. 2018: Social Movements and Trade Unions in Cross-Movement Counter Mobilization. A Polanyian View on Social Movement and Trade Union Cooperation. In Jürgen Grote und Wagemann: social movements and organized labour. Routlegde. London New York
  • Zajak, S., 2017: Transnational activism, global labour governance, and China. Palgrave.
  • Zajak, S., N. Piper, & N. Egels-Zanden 2017: Networks of Labour: Collective Action across Asia and Beyond. Introduction to the special issue Development and Change. 48(5): 899-921
  • Zajak, S. 2017: Channels for workers’ voice in the transnational governance of labour rights? Global Policy. 48(5): 1007–1030.



Social movements and social stratification

Book launch | Wednesday, Novembre 13th
Published at 17 September 2019