Rebecca Lemos Igreja

Invited Researcher of DEA Programme Stay in France:  from January 4 to February 10, 2018

Rebecca Lemos Igreja is an anthropologist, professor and master's and doctoral director of the Department of Latin American Studies at the University of Brasília. She was also a professor at Harvard University. Her PhD was done in Anthropology at the University of Brasilia and later she completed a post-doctorate at EHESS. She is Director of the Interdisciplinary Studies Laboratory on Access to Justice and Rights in the Americas - LEIJUS and the Comparative Studies Group on Mexico, Central America and the Caribbean - MeCACB. In addition, Rebecca is the editor-in-chief of the "Abya- Yala" Journal: Access to Justice and Law in the Americas. Finally, she has conducted research in Brazil, Mexico, France, Algeria and the United States on topics such as: racism, discrimination, ethnic and racial categories, collective rights, access to justice, public policies and judicial reforms. 

The Project

Access to justice and rights in the Americas


Racism, Discrimination, Ethnic and Racial Categories, Collective Rights, Access to Justice, Public Policy, Judicial Reform

Selected publications

  • IGREJA, R. L.. O Direito Como objeto de estudo empírico: o uso de métodos qualitativos no âmbito da pesquisa empírica em Direito. In: Maíra Rocha Machado. (Org.). Pesquisar Empiricamente o Direito. 1ed.São Paulo: REED, 2017, v. 1, p. 11-37.
  • IGREJA, Rebecca Lemos. Combate al racismo y la discriminación racial en Brasil: legislación y acción institucional. Desacatos. Revista de Antropología Social, v. 51, p. 32-49, 2016.
  • IGREJA, Rebecca Lemos; NOVION, M. L. J. (Org.) . Política em movimento - a construção da política na América Latina e Caribe. 1. ed. Curitiba: Editora CRV, 2016. v. 1000. 225p
  • IGREJA, Rebecca Lemos; FERNANDES, N. V. E. . A institucionalização do combate à discriminação na América Latina. In: Rebecca Lemos Igreja; Jacques de Novion. (Org.). Política em movimento - a construção da política na América Latina e Caribe. 1ed.Curitiba: CRV, 2016, v. 1, p. 169-194.
  • IGREJA, Rebecca Lemos et TAVOLARO, Lilia Magalhães, « Sciences sociales et discriminations positive au Brésil », in Wieviorka, Michel et Diminescu, Dana, Socio nº 04, 2015
  • IGREJA, R. Lemos. Etnicheskiie i rasovye kategorii v perepisiakh i politika pozitivnoi diskriminatsii v Brazilii [Ethnic and Racial Categories in Censuses and the Positive Discrimination Policy in Brazil]//Etnograficheskoe obozrenie, 2015, N1. pp. 26-40
  • IGREJA, Rebecca Lemos Igreja, AGUDELO, Carlos, Afrodescendentes na América Latina e Caribe: novos caminhos, novas perspectivas em um contexto global multicultural, Revista de Estudos e Pesquisas Sobre as Américas. , v.8, p.13-28, 2014. 
Published at 12 January 2018