Michel Foucher

Chairholder of the Applied Geopolitics Chair [2012-2020]

Michel Foucher is a French geographer, diplomate and essayist.

A professor at ENS, IEP in Paris and the ENA, he is also Director of Learning, Studies and Research at the Institut des Hautes Etudes de Défense Nationale (IHEDN; Institute for advanced studies on national defence) and advises the Peace and Security Division of the African Union Commission (Addis Abeba, Ethiopia).

Michel Foucher acted as councillor for political and strategic affairs in the cabinet of Hubert Védrine, Minister of foreign affairs (1998-2002), Director of the Centre d'Analyse et de Prévision (CAP) of MAE (1999-2002), before becoming the French Ambassador of Latvia (2002-2006). Since 2007, he has been a member of the Conseil des Affaires Étrangères (French foreign affairs council) and an advisor for the Conseil Économique de la Défense (French defence economics council).

With the FMSH, he coordinates with Michel Wieviorka the “Violence et sortie de la violence” (Violence and ending violence) (link) platform which seeks to reflect on the phenomena of violence and the means implemented to prevent it or escape it.

His work as Global Geopolitics Chair of the Collège d’études mondiales and on the “Violence et sortie de la violence” (Violence and ending violence) platform concern issues of states and borders, in Europe and around the world, as well as the geopolitical representations and projects of established powers and new emerging actors.



Atlas de l’influence française au XXI° siècle, Robert Laffont / Institut Français, oct. 2013

La bataille des cartes, analyse critique des visions du monde, F.Bourin, 2° édition 2011, édition électronique bilingue et interactive, Itunes,oct. 2012

L’obsession des frontières, Perrin, 3° édition 2012


Applied Geopolitics

New insights and analytical tools on the new state of the world from a geostrategic and operational perspective



Michel Foucher | Chercheurs et décideurs : assurer sans inspirer ?

Séminaire Violence et sortie de la violence | 7 février 2019

Michel Foucher | Chercheurs et décideurs : assurer sans inspirer ?

Séminaire Violence et sortie de la violence | 7 février 2019

Crises au Moyen-Orient : quels impacts sur la sécurité pour la région et en Europe ?

Débat - Jeudi 24 mai

Crises au Moyen-Orient : quels impacts sur la sécurité pour la région et en Europe ?

Débat - Jeudi 24 mai
See all researcher activities
Published at 23 September 2016