Applied Geopolitics

New insights and analytical tools on the new state of the world from a geostrategic and operational perspective

The aim of the Global Geopolitics Chair is to generate new insights and analytical tools on the new state of the world from a geostrategic and operational perspective, and to structure discussions with similar research chairs around the world, beyond Europe or the United States, while being receptive to new players and guiding the strategic thinking of the research chair's sponsors.


  • Participation at the Collège d’études mondiales' research seminar, February 2014, FMSH, "Visions du monde au crible de l'analyse géographique" (Visions of the world from a geographical analysis)
  • Weekly seminar with M. Wieviorka and H. Le Bras, “De l’influence (le cas français)” (Influence, the French case), February 2014.
  • Conference "La redistribution des cartes dans la géopolitique mondiale" (Reshuffling the cards in world geopolitics), Gulbenkian Foundation Paris, November 2012.
  • Speech at the international colloquium for the 50th anniversary of the Fondation Maison des Sciences de l’Homme, May 2013, Paris, "Récits et contre-récits géopolitiques du XXIe siècle" (Geopolitical discourse and counterdiscourse in the 21st century)
  • Series of conferences "Puissance et influence: les nouvelles diplomaties" (Power and influence: new diplomacies) with experts from Denmark, Russia, Brazil, Japan, China, the United States, recorded in partnership with France Culture as part of Florian Delorme's 'CulturesMonde' programme, November 2014 (5 programmes available as podcasts on the France Culture website).



Crises au Moyen-Orient : quels impacts sur la sécurité pour la région et en Europe ?

Débat - Jeudi 24 mai

In search of a Sustainable International Order and Viable Regional Orders

Videos of the international seminar organized by the Chair of applied geopolitics

US special operations forces: on the threshold of a profound evolution?

Published at 27 September 2016