Fernanda Beigel

Invited Researcher of DEA Programme Stay in France: from October 22h to December 3th, 2021

Born in 1970 in Buenos Aires, Fernanda Beigel became a Sociologist (1993), fulfilled a PhD in Political and Social Sciences (2001) and Postdoctoral studies at the Centre de Sociologie Européenne (CNRS-EHESS, Paris). As the Director of the Research Center on International Circulation of Knowledge (CECIC) she conducts comparative studies on publishing performance and gender asymmetries; institutional cultures and research assessment and open science. During 2020 and 2021 she has been the chair of the Advisory Committee for Open Science at UNESCO and expert Advisor of the Latin American Forum on Research Evaluation (FOLEC). She is currently Principal Researcher at the National Council of Scientific and Technical Research (CONICET) and Head Professor at the National University of Cuyo based in Mendoza-Argentina.

The project 

Title: Circuits and fields. The multi-scale challenges of academic recognition

Keywords: International circulation of knowledge/ Open Science/ Research assessment and institutional cultures/academic publishing

Selected publications

Recent Books and book chapters:

  • Beigel, F. Ed (2019) Key texts for Latin American Sociology. London: SAGE.
  • Beigel, F. y Bekerman, F. (2019) Culturas evaluativas en Argentina. Luces y sombras del Programa de Incentivos a Docentes Investigadores (1993-2018). CLACSO-CONADU: Buenos Aires.
  • Beigel, F. y Sorá, G. (2019) “Arduous institutionalization in Argentina: expansion, asymmetries and an uncertain future”, en Fleck, C., Duller, M. & Karady V. Shaping Human Science Disciplines. Institutional Developments in Europe and Beyond, Palgrave Macmillian

Recent articles in scientific journals

  • Beigel, Fernanda (2021) A multi-scale perspective for assessing publishing circuits in non-hegemonic countries Tapuya: Latin American Science, Technology and Society; vol. 4 p. 1 - 16
  • Baranger, Denis; Beigel, Fernanda (2021) La publication en Ibéro-Amériqueen tant que mode d’internationalisation des chercheurs en sciences humaines et sociales du Conicet (Argentine), Revue d'anthropologie des connaisances, Paris; vol. 15
  • Beigel, Fernanda (2021) Open science with closed research assessment systems? Horizons; Paris; p. 43 - 44
  • Persic, Ana; Beigel, Fernanda; Hodsonm Simon; Oti-boateng, peggy (2021) The Time for Open Science is Now UNESCO SCIENCE REPORT; p. 12 - 16
  • Beigel, Fernanda (2020) Productividad, bibliodiversidad y bilingüismo en un corpus completo de producciones científicas Revista Iberoamericana de Ciencia Tecnología y Sociedad; N°46. (published also in English)
  • Beigel, Fernanda (2020) FOLEC: una iniciativa regional para evaluar la evaluación de la ciencia en américa latina y el caribe y transformarla?, Pensamiento Universitario; Buenos Aires; Año: 2020
  • Beigel, Fernanda (2019) Indicadores de circulación de la producción científica latinoamericana: una perspectiva multi-escalar para visibilizar anclajes locales y promover alcances regionales. Revista Ciencia, Tecnología y Política; La Plata; vol. 2
  • Beigel, Fernanda (2018) Las relaciones de poder en la ciencia mundial Un anti-ranking para conocer la ciencia producida en la periferia NUEVA SOCIEDAD; p. 13 - 28
  • Beigel, Fernanda; GALLARDO, OSVALDO; BEKERMAN, FABIANA (2018) Institutional expansion and scientific development in the periphery. The structural heterogeneity of Argentina’s academic field (1983-2015). Minerva A Review of Science, Learning and Policy; vol. 56 p. 305 - 331
  • Beigel, Fernanda; CONNELL, RAEWYN; OUEDRAOGO, JEAN-BERNARD (2018) Building Knowledge from Fractured Epistemologies Metohdes; vol. 2 p. 5 - 13
  • Beigel, Fernanda (2017) Sobre las astucias de los tabús intelectuales: Bourdieu y la dependencia académica, Prácticas de Oficio; vol. 2 p. 1 - 13
  • Beigel, Fernanda (2017) Beigel, Fernanda (2017) “Científicos Periféricos, entre Ariel y Calibán. Saberes Institucionales y Circuitos de Consagración en Argentina. Las publicaciones de los investigadores del CONICET” (published also in English), Dados– Revista de Ciências Sociais, Rio de Janeiro, vol. 60, no 3, 2017, pp. 825 a 865.
  • Beigel, Fernanda (2014) “Publishing from the Periphery: Structural heterogeneity  and segmented circuits. The evaluation of scientific publications for tenure in Argentina’s CONICET”,  Current Sociology, ISSN 0011-3921,  Vol. 62 Nº5, p. 743–765.
Published at 15 November 2021