Christine Chivallon

Head of Caribbean and Transatlantic Worlds on the Move programme


Christine Chivallon is anthropologist and geographer, Research Director at the CNRS, visiting Fellow at Kellogg College (University of Oxford), main founder of the teaching programme “FIFCA” (French-Caribbean Programme) at Sciences Po Bordeaux. Her studies focused on materiality and power, space and identity, mainly in the Caribbean societies and the “Black Atlantic”, including research on memory of slavery. A significant part of her work is concerned by an epistemological approach of concepts in particular those used in the postcolonial thoughts.

Research projects

  • ANR « ALTER » (Histoires orales alternatives dans la Caraïbe (XIXe-XXIe siècles) ; ANR-14-CE31-0014
  • ANR « REPAIRS » (Réparations et compensations au titre de l’esclavage), ANR-15-CE33-0007

Selective bibliography

2018 (à paraître) « Decoding the diaspora of Stuart Hall, Historicity, performativity and performance of a concept”, African and Black Diaspora: An International Journal, Routledge.

2017, « Colonial violence and civilising utopias in the French and British empires: the Morant Bay Rebellion (1865) and the Insurrection of the South (1870) », (Chivallon, C. & Howard D.), Slavery & Abolition, 38 (3), 534-558

2012, L’esclavage. Du souvenir à la mémoire, Paris, Karthala.

2004, La diaspora noire des Amériques. Expériences et théories à partir de la Caraïbe, Paris, CNRS-Éditions

Caribbean and Transatlantic Worlds on the Move

Building a paradigm of modernity based on the Caribbean


Study day

Black Atlantic Historiographies

Study day

Decolonial Thought Confronting the Neoliberal University and Epistemological Extractivism

Experiences in Latin America

Meeting-debate around the books of Christine Chivallon and Norman Ajari

Meeting | Thursday 8th December, 2022

Healthy urbanism: an evaluation of the concept of dwelling in the context of a poor neighbourhood in Kingston, Jamaica

See all researcher activities
Published at 13 January 2023