Carlotta Sorba

Invited Researcher of DEA Programme Stay in France: from October 30 to December 9, 2017

Carlotta Sorba  is a historian, professor at the University of Padua (Italy) and director of the CSC, the Center for Cultural History created by an agreement between the Universities of Bologna, Padua, Pisa, Verona and Venice, to promote cultural history studies in Italy. Invited professor by many universities in Europe, she is co-director of the magazine Contemporanea. Rivista di storia dell’Ottocento e del Novecento (Il Mulino Editor) and the collection Studi culturali. Concetti e pratiche (ETS Editor).

The Project

Specialist in cultural history of Italy and Europe of the nineteenth century, Carlotta Sorba has worked extensively on cultural industries (theater and music in particular) in relation to society and politics. Currently his work focuses on the material history of politics in the nineteenth century, the staging and use of a rich set of objects and accessories that throughout Europe accompany new movements, riots and revolutions.

On objects and political activism in the nineteenth century she is publishing a monographic issue of the journal Contemporanea (The clothing of politics: dress, appearances and political identities. XIXth-XXth centuries); and (with Enrico Francia a collective book (Political objects in XIXth century Europe).

Activities as part of her invitation

  • November 24th, 3:00 pm 
Paris 3 (IHEAL/Civilisationnistes) avec UVSQ | Dans le cadre du projet Dictionnaire d’histoire culturelle transatlantique
Carlotta Sorba | Un projet d’histoire transatlantique: théâtres italien sur le fleuve Paranà (1880-1930)
  • December 4th, 2:30 pm
Sciences Po | Centre d’Histoire, 56 rue Jacob | Séminaire Histoire de l’Europe, un devoir d’inventaire

Selected Bibliography

  • Il melodramma della nazione. Politica e sentimenti nell’età del Risorgimento (Roma, Laterza 2015) - Premio della Società italiana per gli studi di storia contemporanea 2016
  • Teatri. L’Italia del melodramma nell’età del Risorgimento (Bologna, Il Mulino 2001)
  • L'eredità delle mura. Un caso di municipalismo democratico (Parma 1889-1914) (Venezia, Marsilio 1993)
  • (edited) Pensare la contemporaneità. Studi di storia per Mariuccia Salvati, (avec P. Capuzzo, C. Giorgi, M. Martini), (Roma, Viella 2011)
  • (edited) Il secolo del teatro. Spettacoli e spettacolarità nell’Ottocento europeo, special issue of « Memoria e ricerca » , 29, settembre- dicembre 2008
  • (edited) Scene di fine Ottocento. L’Italia fin de siècle a teatro, Roma, Carocci 2004, p. 248
  • Melodrama in Post-revolutionary Europe: the genealogy and diffusion of a “popular” theatrical genre and experience, 1780-1830, in Leisure cultures in Urban Europe, c 1700-1870 (ed. by P.Borsay and J.H.Furnee), Manchester University Press 2016
  • Les deux Lulus. De Franz Wedekind à Alban Berg, in “Patrice Chereau à l’oeuvre”, sous la direction de M.F. Lévy et M. Tsikounas, Presses Universitaires de Rennes 2016
  • Le “mélodrame” du Risorgimento. Théatralité et émotions dans la communication des patriotes italiens, in Sociétés du spectacle (numéro coordonné par C. Charle), “Actes de la recherche en sciences sociales” 186-187, mars 2011, pp. 12-29
Published at 6 November 2017