Arturo Alvarado Mendoza

Invited Researcher of DEA Programme Stay in France: from October 18 to November 30, 2018

Arturo Alvarado holds a Ph. D. in Sociology from El Colegio de México. He is faculty member of El Colegio de México and was Director of the Center for Sociological Studies until 2018. He has dedicated much of his career to studying Human Rights, Justice, Criminality, Urban Governance and Democracy in Latin America. He has been an Invited Professor at the Université Sorbonne Nouvelle – Paris 3.

The project 

Title: The Political Economy of Crime and its Impact on Democratic Governance in Latin America


Justice ; Human Rights ; Juvenile violence ; Criminal Organizations and Urban and Democratic Governance in Latin America

Selected publications

  • Estudio diagnóstico sobre la violencia contra las mujeres y niñas en el transporte público en la Ciudad de México, Inmujeres D.F. – ONU-Mujeres, México - El Colegio de México. México.  2017. p. 101. ISBN: 978-1-63214-078-4.
  • with  Karine Tinat, (Coords) (2017). Sociología y Género. Estudios en torno a performances, violencias y temporalidades. El Colegio de México. México. p. 299. ISBN: 978-607-628-201-4.
  • (Coord.) (2016). Elecciones en México: Cambios, permanencias y retos. El Colegio de México. México. p. 420. ISBN 978-607-462-878-4.
  • Alvarado Mendoza, Arturo (2018). “Validity, Change and the Reinvention of Rodolfo Stavenhagen’s “Seven Erroneous Theses about Latin America”: Debate Over the Pursuit of Modernity” Latin American Perspectives, Vol. 45, No. 2. March, pages: 22-34.
  • (2016). “Crimen organizado en una ciudad de América Latina: La Ciudad de México”, URVIO (Revista Latinoamericana de Estudios de Seguridad) Vol. 18, pages: 129-145.



Violence and exiting violence

International conference | April 17th to 19th
Published at 19 October 2018