Andrea Pinotti

Invited Researcher of DEA Programme Stay in France:  from October 21th to November 20th, 2019

Andrea Pinotti is professor in aesthetics at the department of Philosophy “Piero Martinetti”, State University of Milan. His research focuses on image theories and visual culture studies, memorialisation and monumentality, phenomenological aesthetics, empathy theories. In 2018 he was awarded the Wissenschaftspreis der Aby-Warburg-Stiftung in Hamburg. He is currently directing an ERC-Advanced project entitled “An-iconology. History, Theory, and Practices of Environmental Images”.

The project 

Title: AVATARIZATION. Social Ontology of Digital Proxies

Keywords: Aesthetics; Virtual Reality; Immersivity; Empathy; Monumentality; Visual Culture

Selected publications


  • Piccola storia della lontananza (Milan: Cortina 1999).
  • Il corpo dello stile. Storia dell’arte come storia dell’estetica (Milan: Mimesis 2001).
  • Estetica della pittura (Bologna: il Mulino 2007; Spanish trans. Estética de la Pintura, Madrid: Machado 2011).
  • Il rovescio dell’immagine. Destra e sinistra nell’arte (Mantova: Tre Lune 2010).
  • Empatia. Storia di un’idea da Platone al postumano (Roma-Bari: Laterza 2011; French trans. Empathie. Histoire d’une idée de Platon au post-humain, Paris: Vrin 2016).
  • Cultura visuale. Immagini sguardi media dispositivi (co-authored with A. Somaini, Torino: Einaudi 2016; French trans. Dijon: Les presses du réel; forthcoming).


  • Teorie dell’immagine. Il dibattito contemporaneo (co-edited with A. Somaini, Milan: Cortina 2009).
  • Art History and Visual Studies in Europe. Transnational Discourses and National Frameworks (co-edited with M. Rampley, Th. Lenain, H. Locher, Ch. Schoell-Glass, K. Zijlmans; Leiden: Brill 2012).
  • Estetica e scienze della vita. Morfologia, biologia teoretica, evo-devo (co-edited with S. Tedesco, Milan: Cortina 2013).
Published at 5 November 2019