Svetlana Shnaider

Laureate of Atlas Programme

Svetlana Shnaider obtained her Master degree in History from the Novosibirsk State University. She completed her PhD in 2015 in Archaeology with thesis entitled «Tutkaulian culture in Mesolithic of western Central Asia» at the Institute of Archaeology and Ethnography SB RAS. She got short-term fellowship in Max Planck Institute for the Science of Human History (Jena, Germany) in 2017. Svetlana's research focus now is on Final Pleistocene – Early Holocene archaeology of Central Asia. Through this research she starts to reveal the process of neolitisation in the region (demographic processes, change of adaptation models, domestication of animals and plants, and peopling of high mountain regions such as Pamir, Pamiro-Alai, and Tian-Shan).

The Project

Title: The Paleolithic of Central Asia: people, technology, and design


Central Asia, Epipaleolithic, Neolithic, hunter-gathers, pastoralism, migration, interdisciplinary approaches, design

Selected publications

Papers published in English

Web of Science

  • Fedorchenko A.Yu., Shnaider S.V., Krajcarz M.T., Romanenko M.E., Abdykanova A., Kolobova K.A., Alisher-kyzy S., Taylor W., Krivoshapkin A.I. Production technology of personal ornaments in western Central Asia in early holocene complexes (based on Obishir-5 site) // Archaeology, Ethnography and Athropology of Eurasia. – 2018. – №1. – In Press. (Russian and English)
  • Shnaider S.V., Abdykanova A., Taylor W., Kolobova K.A., Krivoshapkin A.I. Early human occupation of high altitude in western Central Asia: new evidence from the Alay valley, Kyrgyzstan // Antiquity. – 2018. – In Press. (English)
  • Shnaider S.V., Kolobova K.A., Filimonova T.G., Taylor W., Krivoshapkin A.I. New Insights Into The Epipaleolithic Of Western Central Asia: The Tutkaulian Complex. – Quaternary International. – 2018. – In Press. (English)
  • Shnaider S.V., Krajcarz M.T., Viola T.B., Abdykanova A., Kolobova K.A., Fedorchenko A.Yu., Alisher-kyzy S., Krivoshapkin A.I. New investigations of Epipaleolithic in western Central Asia: Obishir-5 // Antiquity. 2017. Vol 91. Issue 360. doi:10.15184/aqy.2017.208.

Papers published in Russia

Scopus and Web of Science

  • Kolobova K.A., Shnaider S.V., Krivoshapkin A.I. Preemstvennost' razvitiya verkhnepaloeliticheskikh i mezoliticheskikh industrii v zapadnoi chasti Tsentral'noi Azii [Development continuity of the Upper Paleolithic and Mesolithic industries in western Central Asia] // Stratum plus: Archaeology and Anthropology. – 2016. – № 1. – P. 51–63 (In Russ)
  • Seletskii M.V., Shnaider S.V., Zenin V.N., Krivoshapkin A.I., Kolobova K.A., Alisher-kyzy S. Epipaleolithics complexes of the Badynoko rockshelter (Elbrus region) // Vestnik Tomsk State University. – 2017. – Vol. 48. – P. 147–162. (In Russ)


  • Kolobova K.A., Krivoshapkin A.I., Shnaider S.V., Rudaya N.A., Khudjageldiev T.U., Fiimonova T.G., Shun'kov M.V. Shugnou: Upper Paleolithic at the Edge of the Pamir Mountains - Novosibirsk: IAET SB RAS Publishing, 2017. – 132 p. (In Russ)
Published at 24 May 2018