Rozanne Bezerra de Araújo

Researcher in residence at the Maison Suger | June - October 2024
Rosanne Bezerra de Araujo

Rosanne Bezerra de Araújo has been a professor at the Federal University of Rio Grande do Norte (UFRN), Natal, Brazil, since 2009. She teaches in the Department of Modern Foreign Languages and Literatures and in the Postgraduate Studies Program in Language and Literature, where she was coordinator from 2022 to 2023. Her areas of interest are Brazilian literature, comparative literature, critical theories and foreign language teaching and learning. She obtained her PhD in Letters at the Federal University of Paraíba (UFPB) with a year of research in the UK (2007-2008) at the University of Nottingham, she published her thesis - Niilismo heroico em Samuel Beckett e Hilda Hilst: fim e recomeço da narrativa (2012).Her teaching and research experience focuses on the novelistic genre (from the birth of the English novel in the eighteenth century to contemporary times). She also studies the Theater of the Absurd, in particular Beckett's theater, and has been a member of the Beckett Studies Group at the University of São Paulo (USP) since 2011.

Rosanne Bezerra de Araújo completed her postdoctoral stay in 2015, thanks to a CAPES fellowship, at the University of Kent in the UK. Her studies focused on Beckett's theater and Constantin Noica's philosophy. This research led to the publication of the book As seis doenças do espírito contemporâneo à luz de Constantin Noica: Esperando Godot e outros casos (2017), a book that brings a strong link between philosophy and literature. At the moment (2023 - 2024), with the support of the CAPES-PRINT grant, she is carrying out her second postdoctoral research, at Sorbonne University - Paris IV, in the UFR d'Études iberiques et latino-américaines. In the course of this research, she studied the presence of French aesthetics in the poetry of Brazilian modernist writer João Cabral de Melo Neto. Her research project is in line with current events, with the publication in 2022 of the first poetry anthology devoted to João Cabral (Gallimard) and the translation of his masterpiece Mort et vie sévérine (Chandeigne) in 2023.

The project

Title: Representations of European culture in the poetics of João Cabral de Melo Neto: revision and translation

"This research project examines the work of João Cabral de Melo Neto to investigate the influence of European artists on his poetics, particularly the French. In addition to focusing on the "family of poets" to whom Cabral referred as being, in a way, his precursors, this study seeks to understand the process of Cultural Transfers between France and Brazil in the field of translation and Brazilian poetry. In the context of the research, I will examine the most recent critical studies on Cabral and, finally, I intend to translate some of the poet's unpublished poems that were compiled and published in 2020. Critics such as Antonio Carlos Secchin, João Alexandre Barbosa, Antonio Candido, Henri Meschonnic, Haroldo de Campos and others will support this research. The methodology will consist of relating the material on João Cabral gathered during the research to the contents of the book, in particular the French aesthetic, and the translation of his unpublished poems. Finally, in addition to studying the dialogue between France and Brazil in Cabral's poetics, this study aims to demonstrate that translation is a work of intercultural and critical communication. A work capable of pushing back the frontiers of our literature-world."

Hosting institution: Sorbonne Université

Selective Bibliography

  • ARAÚJO, Rosanne Bezerra de. Travessia do tempo na poética de João Cabral de Melo Neto. 2. ed. Natal : EDUFRN, 2021. 277p.
  • ARAÚJO, Rosanne Bezerra de. Diagnóstico literário à luz das seis doenças espirituais de Constantin Noica : Esperando Godot e outros casos. 1. ed. Natal : EDUFRN, 2017. 154p.
  • ARAÚJO, Rosanne Bezerra de. Travessia poética : temáticas do tempo na poesia de João Cabral. 1. ed. Natal : EDUFRN, 2016. 236p.
  • ARAÚJO, Rosanne Bezerra de. Niilismo Heróico em Samuel Beckett e Hilda Hilst : fim e recomeço da narrativa. 1. ed. Natal : EDUFRN, 2012. 250p.
  • ARAÚJO, Rosanne Bezerra de. The Place of Samuel Beckett in Six Maladies of the Contemporary Spirit. In : Michela Bariselli; Niamh M. Bowe; William Davies. (Org.). Samuel Beckett and Europe : History, Culture, Tradition. 1ed. Cambridge : Cambridge Scholars, 2017, p. 145-160.


Jeudis de Suger

Writing the landscape: a poetic detour to address genocide in Rwanda

May 15 | Vanessa Ferreira Vieira & Rosanne Bezerra de Araujo seminar
Published at 5 April 2024