Pascale-Marie Milan

Laureate of the 2024 Louis Dumont Fund
Pascale-Marie Milan Fonds Louis Dumont 2024

After completing her PhD in anthropology at the University of Lyon and Laval University in Quebec, Pascale-Marie Milan is now a post-doctoral fellow at the École française d'Extrême Orient.She has been conducting research with the Chinese Na since 2007, initially looking at the impact of tourism on social organization, and now focusing on the study of kinship from a relational approach. Her work explores the importance of the house as the basic unit of all social relations, to shed light on under-ethnographed practices and better characterize their matrilineal kinship system.

Le projet

Title: A systematized ethnography of kinship vocabulary and adoption and partner recruitment practices. Back to the foundations of Na logic.

For further information

Terrain Pascale-Marie Milan

A systematized ethnography of kinship vocabulary and adoption and partner recruitment practices

Back to the foundations of Na logic

Selection of publications

  • « Gathering Life Stories and Oral Traditions among the Na of Southwest China, dans Pierre Petit and Jean Michaud, Chasing traces: Historical Anthropology in Asia’s socialist Highlands. Honolulu/ U. of Hawai’i Press (2024).
  • « Introduction : Logics, Stakes and Limits of Cultural Heritage Transmission in China, Russia and Mongolia , Études mongoles et sibériennes, centrasiatiques et tibétaines [En ligne], 54 (avec Anne Dalles, Clément Jacquemoud, Yann Borjon-Privé, 2023)
  • « From Social Bonds to Cultural Identity. Changing Meanings of Na Dances in Tourism Context and Heritage-Making », Études mongoles et sibériennes, centrasiatiques et tibétaines [En ligne], 54 (2023).
  • « Tourisme, changement social et instrumentalisation de l’identité culturelle chez les Na de Chine », dans P. Kulesza, Peuples autochtones d’Asie. Quel avenir ?, Collection Questions Autochtones, GITPA/IWGIA/ AIPP, L’Harmattan (2023).
  • « Entraide et lien social. Une perspective de l’organisation sociale des Na de Chine depuis les maisons », Matrix : a journal of matricultural studies, Vol.1, Issue 2, 2021.
  • Les Na de Lijiazui, Coll. Fondation Barbier-Muller/ Somogy, Genève, Paris (2016).
Published at 30 October 2024