Marco Caratozzolo

Researcher in residence at the Maison Suger | August 2024
Marco Caratozzolo

Marco Caratozzolo is Associate Professor of Slavonic Studies and teaches Russian language and literature at the University of Bergamo. He is scientific director of the "Pagine di Russia" literary festival (in Bari) and of the eponymous series of Russian studies and translations published by Stilo Editrice. He has written monographs, articles and essays on various aspects of Russian literature, in particular on the work of Dostoyevsky and Russian emigration to France and Italy. He is the author of the new translation of Griboedov's play Che disgrazia l'ingegno (Marchese editore, 2017) and received the "Lorenzo Claris Appiani" prize for this work; he is also the author of the critical edition of Lenin's memoirs written by Gor'kij (Lenin un uomo, Sellerio, 2018). In recent years, he has devoted himself to studying the legacy of Thomas Fiore, focusing on his ideas on Russian culture.

The project

Title: A history of Russian theater

"The project aims to write and publish a volume on the history of Russian theatre, not so much as a complete history of all Russian theatre, but rather as an agile historical "profile" of it, i.e. a text illustrating the evolution of the theatrical phenomenon in Russian culture (understood as a set of expressive trends, authors, texts staging and other major outline elements), from the origins of street theatre, with the activity of the first travelling jesters, to contemporary times in the Putin era, with a special focus on the 19th and 20th centuries, in which Russia saw the consolidation of an indigenous, original and, in some cases, experimental theatre repertoire. The account of the main historical vicissitudes of Russian theatre and its various artistic tendencies will be accompanied by in-depth studies on Russian writers, the most significant prose theatre works in its history and the most famous productions, starting above all from the end of the 18th century, when the evolution of Russian theatre practically aligned with that of Europe, giving rise to texts and models that were particularly important for western theatre (Pushkin, Gogol', Chekhov, Bulgakov)."

Hosting institution: personal research

Selective bibliography

  • San Nicola nel folclore slavo orientale, Di Pagina, Bari, 2024
  • Alcuni trapianti avveniristici nella fantascienza russa del primo Novecento: Bulgakov, Tolstoj, Beljaev, «Between», XIV.27, 2024, pp. 31-51
  • Ital’janskie perevody komedii «Gore ot uma», in E.V. Ablogina, M.V. Skorochodov (red.), A.S. Griboedov i ego epocha. Chmelitskij sbornik n. 18, MAKS Press, Moskva 2023, pp. 106-119. ISBN: 978-5-317-07099-1
  • Némirovsky lit Maurois : un texte en langue russe méconnu des Français, «Revue italienne d’études françaises», n. 13, 2023, pp. 1-11. ISSN : 2240-7456
  • Irène Némirovsky et la « génération inaperçue » des écrivains russes de Paris, «Revue italienne d’études françaises», n. 13, 2023, p. 1-8. ISNN : 2240-7456
Published at 3 July 2024