José Geraldo Costa Grillo

Researcher in residence at the Maison Suger | September 2023-February 2024
José Geraldo Costa Grillo

José Geraldo Costa Grillo is professor and researcher in the Department of History of Art at the Federal University of São Paulo (Brazil) and associate researcher at the École française d'Athènes. He obtained his PhD in archaeology from the Museum of Archaeology and Ethnology at the University of São Paulo and heads the Art and Classical Tradition research group at the CNPq (National Council for Scientific and Technological Development).

His research and publications cover the history of Greek and Roman arts, focusing on the relationship between the body, gender and sexuality, as well as the art and archaeology of classical antiquity.

The project

Title : Bodies, gender and sexuality in the representation of women in banqueting scenes painted on Attic ceramics.

During is stay in Paris, José Geraldo Costa Grillo leads a theorico-methodological reflection on the organisation of a catalogue of 302 Greek ceramic vases and the iconography antique according to the iconographic schemes, in view of a work on the theme "Body, genre and sexuality in the figuration of women in the banquet scenes painted on the attic ceramic". He is studying 21 vases from the Musée du Louvre and 4 from the Cabinet des Médailles of the Bibliothèque nationale de France, in order to analyse and describe their paintings.

He will took part in the Centre ANHIMA's meetings on gender studies, notably as part of the scientific programme on "Gender, sex and sexuality in Greek and Roman antiquity".

He is taking advantage of his stay to write an article on the theoretical aspects and methodological procedures for studying the representation of women in sympathetic scenes in Attic ceramic painting.

Hosting Institution : Centre ANHIMA – Anthropologie et histoire des mondes antiques.

Selective bibliography

• GRILLO, J. G. C. O Grupo Pioneiro e a música: estudo sobre a iconografia dos pintores Eufrônio, Eutímides e Fíntias. In: SOTUYO BLANCO, P.; KÜHL, P. M. (orgs.). Iconografia da música e(m) seus espaços culturais de apresentação/representação. Campinas: CIDDIC-CDMC UNICAMP, 2023. p. 45-66.

• GRILLO, J. G. C. Ancient classical art in Brazil: the Ema Klabin Collection. In: BRANDÃO, A.; CRACOLICI, S. (orgs.) Arts and diplomacy. São Paulo: Universidade Federal de São Paulo, FAPESP, 2022. p. 14-23.

• GRILLO, J. G. C. O surgimento do termo pornografia na história da arte antiga no século XIX. In: BRANDÃO, A.; GUSMÁN, F.; SCHENKE, J. (orgs.). As fronteiras na História da Arte. Bragança Paulista: Margem da Palavra, CAPES, 2020. p. 8-21.

• GRILLO, J. G. C. O simpósio feminino na pintura da cerâmica ática: reflexões sobre questões de gênero. In: GARCÍA SANCHEZ, M.; GARRAFFONI, R. S. (orgs.). Mujeres, género y estudios clásicos: un diálogo entre España y Brasil. Barcelona: Universitat de Barcelona, 2019. p. 85-95.

• GRILLO, J. G. C. A representação da flautista na arte grega: questões de gênero. In: PÁSCOA, M. L. F. R. (org.). Diálogo musical. Manaus: Universidade do Estado do Amazonas, 2019. p. 7-18.


Séminaire de J. Costa Grillo. Figuration de la femme dans la céramique attique.
Study day

Body, gender and sexuality

December 7 | José Costa Grillo Seminar
Published at 8 September 2023