Irina Podgorny

Invited Researcher of DEA Programme Stay in France: 3rd of May - 17th of June 2017


Irina Podgorny is permanent research scholar (“Investigadora Principal”) at CONICET and director of the Historical Archive of La Plata Museum, Argentina. Former Research Fellow" at the Max  Planck Institute for the History of Science (Berlin, 2009-2010) and Senior Fellow at the IKKM (Weimar, 2013), she hold several visiting professorships in France and the USA.

In 2013 the Alexander von Humboldt Foundation in Germany granted her the Georg-Forster Research Award in recognition of her academic work. 

Title of the project

Fossils Unlimited. Florentino Ameghino & Brothers       

Two Chapters for a Biography

Irina Podgorny`s research interests include history of science and medicine, natural history museums, quackery, and history of paleontological and archaeological collections, fields in which she has published extensively in both Spanish and English.

Research Notebook

Selected recent publications:


Arqueología  de la Educación: textos, indicios, monumentos. La imagen del indio en el  mundo escolar. (Buenos Aires: Sociedad Argentina de Antropología, Colección
Tesis Doctorales. 1999)

 El argentino despertar de las faunas y de las  gentes prehistóricas, Coleccionistas, Museos y estudiosos en la Argentina entre 1880 y 1910, (Buenos Aires: Eudeba/Libros del Rojas, 2000)

 El  desierto en una vitrina.Museos e historia natural en la Argentina, 1810-1910 (with M.Margaret Lopes; México: Limusa, 2008);

 El  Sendero del tiempo y de las causas accidentales. Los espacios de la  prehistoria en la Argentina (Rosario, Prohistoria, 2009),

Los viajes en Bolivia de la Comisión Científica Italiana (Santa Cruz de la Sierra, Fundación Nova, Biblioteca Cruceña, 2011)

Charlatanes. crónicas de Remedios  Incurables (Eterna cadencia, Buenos Aires, 2012); Museos al Detalle (Con Miruna Achim, 2013)

Charlatanería y Cultura Científica en el S. XIX (Madrid, Catarata, 2015).

She has co-edited with Phil Kohl and Stefanie Gänger, Nature & Antiquities: The Making of Archaeology in the Americas (University of Arizona Press, 2014) and in 2016, she organised the publication of Diccionario Histórico de las Ciencias de la Tierra en la Argentina (Prohistoria)

She ist he founding director oft he series Historia de la Ciencia published in Argentina by Prohistoria ediciones (Rosario)

Irina Podgorny’s publications can be consulted at



Associate Research Directors - Guest Researchers 2017

Published at 15 May 2017