Giampaolo Salice

Invited researcher of the 2023 DEA programme
Giampaolo Salice chercheur invité DEA 2023

Giampaolo Salice is a associate professor of modern history at the University of Cagliari (Italy). His research focuses on the relationship between Mediterranean mobility and internal colonization programs, as well as on the processes of constructing "small islands," digital history, and public history. He is the Director of the Digital Humanities Center at the University of Cagliari and a member of the steering committee of the Italian Association of Public History (AIPH). In 2024, he was invited as a visiting professor at the University of Paris 1 Panthéon-Sorbonne to teach a course titled “Migrations and Mediterranean Colonizations”. In 2019, he was a visiting researcher at the Center for Hellenic Studies of the Arts & Humanities Research Institute at King's College London. In 2016, he was a visiting professor at the Departamento de Historia Moderna at the Universitat de Barcelona, and in 2011-2012, he was a visiting fellow at the Institute of Germanic and Romance Studies (IGRS), University of London.

The project

Title: Mediterranean diasporas and European internal colonisations: the case of French Corsica (1760-1780)

"My project investigates the 18th-century foundation of the Greek-Maniot town of Cargèse in French Corsica. This study forms part of a broader research trajectory aimed at reconstructing the Maniot diaspora between the late 17th and early 18th centuries. It is conducted within the framework of a digital history research program titled “Internal Colonizations and Migrations”, which examines the connections between Mediterranean mobility and the internal colonization policies pursued by European states during the early modern period. The foundation of Cargèse holds particular significance as it provides insight into two distinct but interconnected issues: first, the scale and dynamics of diasporic Mediterranean mobility, characterized by agricultural and maritime livelihoods; and second, the role of the French government in reshaping an unstable, recently acquired, and largely unfamiliar island."

Hosting institution: UMR 5136 Framespa - France Amériques Espagne Sociétés Pouvoirs Acteurs, Toulouse

Selective Bibliography

  • Terre promesse. Strategie familiari e appartenenze imperiali nel Mediterraneo del Settecento, Carocci, 2025
  • «Towards the West. Conflict and settlement in the Maniot Diaspora (17th-18th centuries)». Diasporas. Circulations, migrations, histoire, fasc. 43 (2025).
  •  Il mare degli altri. Colonie di popolamento del Regno di Sardegna (XVIII secolo), Isem-Cnr, 2023.
  • Colonizzazione sabauda e diaspora greca, Collana Biblioteca n. 31, Serie Storica, Edizioni Sette Città, 2015.
  • SALICE, G., (dir) La terra ai forestieri, Pacini, Pisa 2019.
  • "The Greek Mirror. Philhellenism and Southern Italian Patriotisms (1750-1861)", in Journal of Modern Italian Studies 20/4, 2015, pp. 491-507


Chercheurs invités 2023 du programme DEA

Associate Research Directors - 2023 invited researchers

Discover the invited researchers of the "Associate Research Directors" mobility programme
Published at 9 January 2025