Dmitry Bosnak

Dmitry Bosnak received his doctoral degree in Russian literature from the Linguistics University of Nizhny Novgorod. He taught Russian and European literatures at the Linguistics University and the Higher School of Economics in Russia. He has engaged in exploration of the 20th-century Russian literature from the perspectives of European philosophy, focusing on such topics as Ressentiment, the experience of grief in art and literature, conceptualizations of will and love, phenomenological and religious perspectives on transformative experience, the eluding boundary between humanity and animality, etc. His research has been strongly influenced by the phenomenological ideas of Mikhail Bakhtin. His research interests are currently shifting to philosophy, particularly the phenomenology of the event and a comparative analysis of Heidegger and Bakhtin.
The project
Title: The Event Dimensions of the Self and the Other in “New Phenomenology” in France
This project sets out to explore how recent phenomenological research in France revises or draws inspiration from Heidegger when theorizing eventiality, selfness, and otherness; what new ways to understand the event it proposes; and how the Francophone authors construe the self’s relation to the event. This project is part of a larger undertaking, an immanent critique of Heidegger’s analytics of Dasein from the perspective of Mikhail Bakhtin’s philosophy of the deed. A comparative analysis of these two contemporaries requires giving heed to the major developments in phenomenology accomplished by Francophone philosophers beginning from the 1980s.
Selected bibliography
- Между элементарным и космическим: человек и животное в рассказе И. Тургенева «Муму». [Between the elementary and the universal: Man and animal in I. Turgenev’s “Mumu.”] Die Welt der Slaven. Internationale Halbjahresschrift für Slavistik 66(2), 2021: 340-366.
- Between Power and Love: Pilate’s Transformation in “The Master and Margarita.” Zeitschrift für Slawistik. 65(4), 2020: 585-606.
- Love, Will and Becoming in Vyacheslav Ivanov and Mikhail Bakhtin. Slavonica 21(1-2), 2016: 63-78.
- Проблема «единственности события» в архитектонике «ершалаимских глав» романа М.А. Булгакова «Мастер и Маргарита». [“Uniqueness of the event” in the architectonics of the “ancient chapters” of M.A. Bulgakov’s “The Master and Margarita.”] Вопросы философии [Questions of Philosophy] 2, 2015: 118-128.
- Стихотворение Вяч. И. Иванова «Fio, ergo non sum»: философская интерпретация в перспективе проблемы бытия. [Vyacheslav Ivanov’s poem “Fio, ergo non sum”: A philosophical interpretation from the perspective of the problem of being.] Сборник памяти профессора М.С. Ретунской [In memoriam Professor M. Retunskaya.] Linguistics University of Nizhny Novgorod, 2015: 32-40.

Annamaria Bianco

Emiliano Buis

Sophie Delpeux