David Low

Laureate of the 2024 Louis Dumont Fund
David Low Fonds Louis Dumont 2024

David Low is currently a contract PhD student at the Université Sorbonne Nouvelle and attached to the LACITO (CNRS), where he is preparing a thesis in linguistic anthropology on the Hakkas of Mauritius under the supervision of Cécile Leguy. Following a course in language didactics at Inalco, specializing in Chinese language and civilization, he devoted his dissertation to the ethno-sociolinguistics of the Chinese in Mauritius (2022).

The project

Title: The Hakkas of Mauritius. Language practices and diasporic trajectories

For further information

Les Hakkas de Maurice David Low

The Hakkas of Mauritius. Language practices and diasporic trajectories

Language practices and diasporic social organisation in a postcolonial Mauritian context

Selection of publications

Langues et identités chinoises à l’île Maurice : le cas de la diaspora hakka. 2022. ⟨dumas-04524066⟩. Mémoire de Master 2 soutenu le 12 octobre 2022 à l’Inalco sous la direction de Gilles Forlot.

Published at 30 October 2024